The Police Alliance calls for a stronger penal response to offenders. - C. Allain / 20 Minutes

The police union Alliance on Thursday asked for the creation of an observatory of prison sentences in order to fight against the feeling of impunity and delinquency.

"Public opinion has the right to know and all transparency must be done", notes the trade union organization which regularly calls for greater firmness in the penal response to offenders.

"Penalty incurred", "sentence pronounced" and "sentence actually carried out"

This observatory would be based on three criteria, explains the union of peacekeepers: the "sentence incurred", "the sentence pronounced" and the "sentence actually carried out".

Feeling of impunity, feeling of insecurity or realities?
Public opinion has the right to know and all transparency must be done.
ALLIANCE Police Nationale calls for the creation of a new observatory. @ EmmanuelMacron @JeanCASTEX @GDarmanin @Interieur_Gouv @prefpolice

- ALLIANCE PN (@alliancepolice) July 23, 2020

Alliance requests a hearing from the new Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti.

The police union also wants "a judicial follow-up of attacks against the police".

Macron "intractable" on incivilities towards the police

Thanks to several various facts, but also because of the activism of the government on this theme, the debate on insecurity has recently resurfaced in the political debate.

In an interview with TF1 on Tuesday, Emmanuel Macron assured him that he would be "intractable" on incivilities, particularly with regard to the police and firefighters so that they do not become "a habit". He also called for a "rapid legal response and the appointment of these incivilities".

For Alliance, these are "crimes or misdemeanors" and not "incivility".


Racism in the police: The Alliance union fears the suspension of police officers "on rumors"


Seine-Saint-Denis: A fresco against police violence provokes the anger of a police union

  • Union
  • Delinquency
  • Police
  • Jail
  • Society