It is embarrassing to remember that the European agreements are not football trophies or military victories. They do not throw winners and winners, as the childish propaganda of Moncloa seems to claim, capable of designing a welcome to Sánchez as if he came from Thermopylae. We may be sadly used to sanchista marketing here, but these images will not sit well in Europe , whose certainly historic effort to rescue the two countries most affected by it from the pandemic crisis - Italy and Spain, which did not know how to learn from Italy - deserves a humble response of gratitude and commitment rather than an exhibition of premature triumphalism .

The opportunity is good if we know how to take advantage of it: large funds conditioned on a change in the production model towards more competitive and sustainable patterns. The sooner Sánchez assumes that his electoral program, agreed with Churches on demagogic and sectarian bases, volatilized with the pandemic and has disappeared with the implementation of European conditionality , the better. Her plan, government structure, alliances and real weight in Europe - where she only caught the silent slippage of Merkel and Macron - have failed: the smart and useful thing is to get to work as soon as possible on credible public accounts and a national plan of investments. It would be unforgivable if the money from the reconstruction due to the coronavirus ended up being squandered in customer networks and superfluous expenses such as that Plan E of Zapatero that delved the well of the last crisis. Europe has helped itself by helping Spain: now Spain must demonstrate that it is up to the challenge and capable of making the reforms that justify community solidarity.

The obsession with propaganda should give way to management right now. Sánchez has the opportunity to become a politician known for skills other than organic or electoral, for his ability to divide or to launch balloon balloons. Spaniards distressed by the outbreaks and unemployment do not understand that it is applauded at the beginning of a savage recession, aggravated by government negligence : if anything it will be applauded when it comes out of it. If it comes out decently.

In this sense, the precedent set by the closure of the parliamentary reconstruction commission - wrongly posed from the beginning for ideological hypertrophy - could not be more grim. The sectarian desire to demonize concerted education wrecked the so-called social pact, while other measures such as health measures are minimal. But the responsibility belongs to who governs . Neither Cs should lend their support to Sánchez as long as he tries to keep his agenda alive with separatism, nor can the PP endorse an economic policy absolutely disconnected from the spirit of the pact reached in Brussels.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Spain
  • Europe
  • Italy
  • PP
  • Citizens
  • Ivan Redondo
  • Pedro Sánchez
  • Editorial

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EditorialThe end of a radical getaway

Tribune Reflections after the battle

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