Xinhua News Agency, Hong Kong, July 22 (Reporter Zhang Yashi) The Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination announced on the 22nd the results of 2020 candidates. Among the approximately 45,000 Hong Kong high school candidates this year, more than 40% have obtained the minimum scores required for admission to Hong Kong universities.

  The Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education, which is equivalent to the mainland college entrance examination, has more than 50,000 candidates taking the exam this year, including 45,257 fresh high school students and 5,552 self-study students.

  According to data from the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, among the 45257 high school students who participated in the diploma examination this year, 18,634 obtained the minimum required scores for admission to universities in Hong Kong. Currently, Hong Kong universities can provide approximately 15,000 undergraduate places funded by the SAR government.

  Each subject of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination is divided into 5 levels (1-5), with "5" being the highest. Generally, high school candidates in school will apply for four core subjects, including Chinese, English, mathematics and general studies, as well as two to three elective subjects. The minimum requirement for applying for higher education in Hong Kong through the results of the Diploma of Secondary Education is to obtain scores of "3", "3", "2" and "2" in the four core subjects.

  After the results of the Diploma of Secondary Education are announced, high school students in Hong Kong generally have to return to the school to collect the score notification in person in previous years. Under the new crown pneumonia epidemic this year, all schools have adopted special contingency measures to issue test results to students in the form of electronic files.

  The Chief Secretary for Administration of the Special Administrative Region Government Zhang Jianzong encouraged candidates to face the test results with a positive and optimistic attitude. He stated on the social networking site that everyone has different ambitions and abilities, and the SAR government is committed to expanding broad and diversified pathways for further studies, so that students can choose a suitable development path. He encourages students to pursue life goals and realize their ideals according to their interests and abilities.