Tokyo Port Oi Wharf Fire Ant About 1500 found 14th July 16:12

Approximately 1500 fire ants were found at Oi Pier in the Port of Tokyo, and the Ministry of the Environment and Tokyo are in the process of exterminating them.

The Ministry of the Environment is conducting regular fire ant surveys of ports across the country, and on this month, about 1,500 ants were found on the road in the container yard at Oi Pier, and they were entering and leaving the soil. It was

As a result of analysis by experts, it was confirmed that it was a fire ant, and the Ministry of the Environment and Tokyo are promoting the extermination by placing foods containing insecticides.

So far, according to the Ministry of the Environment, no queen ants have been included and no nest has been found.

At Tokyo Port, more than 200 fire ants were found at Aomi Pier last month.

The Ministry of the Environment once again calls attention to the port operators and related organizations, and if they find a fire ant, do not touch it and immediately contact the Ministry of the Environment and the nearest municipality.