Autopsies of patients who died as a result of "Covid-19" caused by the emerging coronavirus, showed blood clots in almost all parts of the body.

A pathologist revealed that the autopsies performed on people who died due to Corona virus help doctors understand how the disease affects the body, noting that blood clotting is among the most important results, according to CNN.

Dr. Amy Rabkevich, head of the pathology department at the Langon Medical Center at New York University, said it was known that some Corona patients had blood clotting problems, but she described the degree and extent of this as "dramatic."

She added that in the early stages of the epidemic, doctors noticed a lot of blood clotting in various large lines and vessels, according to the website (Russia Today).

"What we saw in the autopsy was somewhat an extension of that ... the coagulation was not only in large vessels, but also in small vessels," Rabbevich said.

"It was very interesting, because although we expected it in the lungs, we found it in almost every organ that we looked at in studying the autopsy of the victims."

She said researchers hope to discover how these cells affect small blood clotting in SK patients.

Pathologists were surprised by something they did not find, and indicated that during the early stages of the epidemic, doctors believed that the virus would provoke myocarditis, but the autopsy revealed that cases of myocarditis were very low.

One of the analyzes, Rabbikevich said, "was that there was an opportunity for pathologists, to examine the organs of many Corona victims and to investigate the complications of the disease that occurred", saying that the opportunity was not already available with H1N1 patients or during the original SARS outbreak.