The post-Corona stage should not be dealt with with the mentality, thinking and behavior of the pre-spreading virus. The situation is completely different, and although it is a few months separating the two phases, they constitute two different eras, the pre-Corona and the post-Corona era, which are Undoubtedly, they are totally different in behaviors, behaviors, and decisions, and even in ways of thinking, visions, and goals, and in a more correct sense they are different in everything, and they are not supposed to resemble each other in something!

The priorities today are different, and the disbursement must also be different. Therefore, there is never a justification for the continuation of spending in a way that is before the "Corona" itself, on some of the things that have proven to be less important in the "Corona" stage, and consequently the exchange methods and the amount of the amounts Act in the next stage, which is after "Corona"!

The exchange on sports and clubs, specifically football, should not be restored as it was never, it is not a priority in the next stage, as it has proven that it is not a priority in all stages, everything stopped, everything was canceled, and all competitors lost everything, while no Society is losing some kind of cancellation!

In general, billions lost in clubs did not pay off, and Emirates Sport did not benefit from them, nor did the Emirates community, and anyone but only one segment, got more than they deserved, and it is time to restore things to their normal level, to their normal size, medium periodic size And medium and perhaps weak clubs that cannot compete regionally or globally, and are satisfied with the local, while the amounts spent on them exceed their size by multiples!

Those responsible for sport and for clubs are often also responsible in other government departments and institutions, and they are not isolated from what is happening in society. There is no doubt at all that they believe that there are other areas and priorities that deserve to be spent on these sums more than football, especially at this stage. Hard.

What is happening here is not a secret. Rather, it occurs in the majority of the world's countries, rich before the poor, economic retreats, and damage to all sectors. Consequently, these officials must adhere to their social responsibility, and refuse with complete conviction, and without government interference, spending millions on players and coaches, and in amounts In it, these funds are in the first and last public money, and clubs, whatever their investments amount, they depend entirely on government support, and therefore it is better and more important that we make the government direct its support to other sectors more important, rather than dispersing its efforts and money, on a field that does not benefit A real little on society and its people!

Every sports official must think a million times before agreeing to sign a contract, or pay a high salary to the player or coach, he must think comprehensively and wisely, and not with a vision and vision that can only accommodate the area of ​​the club, it is trustworthy, and there is a social responsibility and interest in saving money, And not wasting it, and rationalizing money and spending at this stage is a necessary and decisive requirement, not only here in the Emirates, but all over the world.

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