Kanagawa Kamakura City 100,000 yen will be provided independently to newborns and fetuses not covered by the plan. July 11, 8:04


Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture, has established a policy of paying 100,000 yen independently to newborns and fetuses who are not covered by the uniform cash payment in countries that have been infected by the new coronavirus.

Special flat-rate benefits for countries that receive cash of 100,000 yen are targeted for people who were registered as residents on April 27, which is the reference date. We have solidified our policy of providing our own benefits, which we called "Special Benefits for Naka Aka-chan."

By 31st of this month, mothers have been issued the Mother and Child Health Handbook and are not covered by the country. Children born after April 28th and fetuses in the mother's stomach are covered.

In the city, there are approximately 1,000 newborns, etc., and the necessary cost is expected to be 100 million yen.

Takashi Matsuo, mayor of Kamakura City, said, “The impact of the new coronavirus is still continuing, and we would like to support the new life as much as possible.”

In addition to this, Kamakura City is also planning to provide 3,000 yen of electronic money to all citizens, and we will submit a supplementary budget proposal including about 1.4 billion yen as a countermeasure against the new coronavirus to the city council on 15th this month. I am.