"Sericultural delivery ceremony" Empress, finishing the series of sericulture work 13:41 on July 10th

On the 10th, the Empress concludes the series of sericulture work that she began working on, inheriting the traditions of successive Empresses.

The empress entered the Imperial Palace from Hanzomon at 10am, wearing a mask and waving his hand smiling in the car.

After that, he attended the "Goyo-san Osame" ceremony, which concludes the series of sericulture work at a breeding facility in Mt. Momiji, and was worshiped with the raw silk.

The Imperial Household Agency provided the news agency with photographs of raw silk.

Due to the influence of the new coronavirus, the amount of raw silk that has been harvested has decreased to about one-fifth of the usual year because the number of people who work with the Empress and the breeds that are raised have been reduced.

It is usually used as a gift for foreign guests, but this means that we will decide how to use it in the future.

Since May this year, the Empress has attended six sericulture ceremonies and events at the Imperial Palace, one of which was also assisted by His Majesty the Emperor.

According to his aides, the Empress seems to be deeply moved after she successfully completed her first sericulture and is deeply grateful to the people involved in the work.