Jean-Jacques Bourdin is on RMC every morning - VILA -VSD / SIPA

Jean-Jacques Bourdin took advantage of the arrival of the boss of Medef Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux at his microphone, on RMC, in Bourdin Direct , to slip a little message to his boss, Patrick Drahi. During the interview, the journalist addressed the question of the fortune of the big French bosses. After talking about the champion in the field, Bernard Arnault, Jean-Jacques Bourdin cited the example of the president of Altice, a group which notably owns the RMC and BFM TV channels: “Patrick Drahi, which is more than 19% compared to in 2019, at 12.5 billion and which simultaneously cuts jobs, is it morally acceptable? "

Behind this rather trivial question hides a reference to the plan to cut jobs planned at Altice, and against which BFMTV journalists went on strike in June. Jean-Jacques Bourdin had already expressed his solidarity with the strikers. The plan threatens a third of journalists in the media group.

"An absolutely magnificent group"

Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux obviously did not respond on this plan, preferring to point out that Patrick Drahi “has created an absolutely magnificent group and tens of thousands of jobs. If at some point, because things go wrong in this or that activity, he has to reorganize, I think he has the right to do so. The important thing is that in total, it creates wealth for everyone and that we share it. Overall, we need entrepreneurs in France. "

For the record, Jean-Jacques Bourdin leaves the presentation of his morning at the start of the school year, he will be replaced by Apolline de Malherbe, but will keep his place for the daily political interview.


Jean-Jacques Bourdin stops the morning at RMC but keeps the political interview


July 14 interview: Léa Salamé and Gilles Bouleau chosen to interview Emmanuel Macron

  • Patrick Drahi
  • Rmc
  • BFM TV
  • Jean-Jacques Bourdin
  • Television
  • Media