WHO "Possible exclusion of airborne infections" New Corona July 8 9:33

Based on new evidence, the WHO = World Health Organization "cannot rule out the possibility" that the group of scientists has pointed out that a new type of coronavirus will reach farther than expected in a droplet infection. He showed the idea of ​​flexibly considering future measures.

About the infection route of the new coronavirus, on the 6th, 239 scientists from 32 countries in the world announced a statement, not only the infection by "splashes" scattered by coughing and sneezing, but it reached farther with finer particles I pointed out the possibility of infection.

In the statement, this transmission route is called “air transmission”, and WHO and health authorities in each country are requested to reassess the measures taken so far, assuming that there is a high risk of infection in poorly ventilated areas or in densely populated areas. I am.

Regarding this, Mr. Allegrangy, WHO's technical director for infection prevention, said on the 7th, "In a crowded place, a closed place, or a place with insufficient ventilation, the possibility of such "air transmission" cannot be ruled out." ".

In addition, Mr. Bankerkoff, technical director for the new coronavirus, said he will release his current view as a WHO on how to infect the virus within the next few days.

WHO has said that new coronaviruses are infected with droplets of coughs, sneezes, conversations, etc., so it is necessary to keep a distance of at least 1 meter from a person, while droplets are relatively heavy and far away. I have said that I will not skip it, but I will flexibly consider future responses based on new evidence.