While most people prefer a delicious egg dish and all the ways and forms of preparing it in the morning breakfast, because it contains an important nutritional value that provides the body with essential minerals and vitamins for our health, our options from it and some methods of dealing with this food product and even cooking methods sometimes pose potential health hazards that threaten Our life. In an article for the Spanish magazine Lavangardia, nutritionist Mario Sanchez stated that scrambled or omelette eggs should always be prepared from freshly broken eggs and with a whole shell, highlighting that salmonella, an acute intestinal infection, is often associated with the use of eggs in which it is found. "bacteria".
The Spanish expert highlighted that, contrary to popular belief, it is best not to wash eggs before cooking, as this violates the natural protection of eggs. And if the product is contaminated, it is best to clean it with a dry brush, and it can also be rinsed with water and immediately put on the gas. The dangerous microorganisms present in the egg are destroyed only at a cooking temperature above 75 degrees.
 The nutritional expert emphasized that touching an egg is the equivalent of dealing with raw meat or fish that have bacteria. So it is always advisable during the cooking process, to wash hands frequently and clean the surfaces that come in contact with the product.

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