Household waste. (Photo illustration) - GILE MICHEL / SIPA

  • In France, an inhabitant produces an average of 350 kg of waste per year.
  • In the Alpes-Maritimes, we would produce 100 kg more.
  • Solutions exist to reduce the production of waste on a daily basis.

In France, an inhabitant produces an average of 350 kg of waste per year, according to the national independent information center on waste. The Alpes-Maritimes are a (very) bad student since the average per capita is more than 450 kg, notes Nice-Matin.

But concrete solutions exist to reduce them. And it applies in everyday life. 20 Minutes gives you some tips for losing weight.

Reduce your waste with “bulk”

"Buying in bulk" is one of the solutions to be favored, according to the Zero Waste Association of Nice. This local group affiliated to the Zero Waste France association lists all the tips for reducing waste production.

"Bulk bags, tupperware, reusable bags and jars" are the equipment you need to avoid plastic packaging in the kitchen, explains Camille, one of the association's volunteers. The latter lists tips for reducing waste in a video presentation intended for association members.

And buying in bulk isn't just about cooking. It is also possible for bathroom products (solid shampoo, solid toothpaste, for example) or household products. However, it is advisable to inquire online to identify stores that practice bulk.

And if certain purchases cannot be made in this way, it is better to choose a recyclable packaging such as "glass or cardboard", does one still explain on the side of Zero Waste.

The "Do It Yourself" and the reusable

Making your own products is also a solution. Doing your laundry, dishwashing liquid, deodorant or makeup remover yourself, are tips to reduce your waste. “Zero waste” tutorials are also available online on the collective's website.

And to “reduce your trash by a third”, according to Camille, it suffices to transform its waste into fertilizer by making compost using organic waste (apple core, eggshells, tea bags, marc de marc coffee…) that must be brought together and allowed to decompose together. This natural fertilizer is used for the garden, for flower boxes, for indoor plants ...

Finally, the disposable is to be banned. Instead, using reusable utensils like the wooden brush instead of disposable sponge sponges, bamboo toothbrushes with interchangeable heads, razors and washable cottons, is also an effective way to reduce waste.


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  • Association
  • ecology
  • Environment
  • Nice
  • Planet