Paris Jackson actress and singer - AdMedia / Starface

Paris Jackson in the role of Jesus? The idea is original, but it does not seem to be unanimous. Indeed, the daughter of the king of pop was chosen to incarnate Christ with Bella Thorne in a film called Habit, announced last April. And a petition has recently been launched online to call Warner Bros. and Lionsgate to cancel this "Christianophobic waste".

260,000 sign petition to block film starring Paris Jackson as Jesus

- The Guardian (@guardian) June 30, 2020

"A new blasphemous Hollywood film presenting Jesus as a lesbian woman must soon be released", wrote, visibly horrified, the initiators of this petition which is slowly approaching 300,000 signatures.

A sacrilege that could benefit the film

However, there was never mention of a lesbian Jesus in the announcement of the film, which only specifies that the sacred figure will be embodied by a Paris Jackson with "tousled" hair and a nose piercing. The synopsis, relayed by the Guardian , suggests that Bella Thorne plays a "party girl obsessed with Jesus who finds himself involved in a violent drug case and manages to get away by pretending to be a nun".

Despite this more than incomplete information, many see in this film an insult to religion. Another petition of the same ilk was launched by an association called One Million Moms. Speaking of a film "sacrilege" and which "makes fun of Christianity and people of faith", she for her part collected more than 70,000 signatures.

If there is little chance that the future of the film will be threatened, this "bad buzz" could save him from an exit that might have been fairly confidential.


How did artist Ganbrood get a picture of Jesus?

  • Blasphemy
  • Movie
  • Cinema
  • Michael jackson
  • Jesus christ
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