The college entrance examination factory, question sea tactics, high scores and low energy, lack of stamina... Before and after the college entrance examination every year, Hengshui Middle School is always hotly discussed

  Restore Hengshui Middle School: neither "magic" nor "dark"

  Our reporter Wang Min

  Hengshui City, Hebei Province was originally a fourth-tier city, but it is famous throughout the country for Hengshui Middle School (hereinafter referred to as "Hengzhong").

  In the eyes of many students, Hengzhong is the cradle to realize the dream of the university and take off in life; in the eyes of many parents, Hengzhong is a famous high school that sharpens their heads and wants to enter; in the eyes of famous universities such as Peking University Tsinghua University, Hengzhong is an excellent student source In the eyes of other high schools, Hengzhong is an example of learning; while in the eyes of some people, Hengzhong is a quasi-military "college entrance examination factory", and Hengzhong students are made on the test-taking education pipeline, with high scores and low energy "Exam Machine"...

  Recently, the reporter took Hengzhong's squat site to investigate with questions that have attracted much social attention, hoping to restore a real Hengzhong.

  A "college entrance examination factory"?

  A high school enrollment rate is not necessarily quality education, a low school enrollment rate must not be quality education, and quality education can improve the school enrollment rate

  In the past two decades, Hengzhong has achieved a peak in the online rate, enrollment rate, and the number of students admitted to Tsinghua Peking University, and it is far ahead, ranking first in Hebei Province.

  In the past three years, Hengzhong has stood at the forefront of the top 100 high schools in the country, and nearly half of the students admitted to Tsinghua Peking University accounted for it. Therefore, "the enrollment quotas of key universities are taken away by Hengzhong" "Excellent teachers and students are concentrated in Hengzhong, destroying the balance of educational resources, the rise of Hengzhong, the fall of counties" "Hengzhong is a terrifying examination machine, college entrance examination Voices such as "factory" endlessly surround the college entrance examination every year.

  In fact, Hengzhong was a non-influential school in the whole province and the city 26 to 67 years ago. Poor hardware facilities, low teacher treatment, a large number of outflows of students, loose and weak management, and not recognized by the society.

  Liang Hui, the vice-principal who graduated from Hengzhong in 1993, said: "At that time, the school graduated from 17 of the 6 graduation classes and counted as two secondary schools, including secondary schools and teachers. Only 70 students were admitted to school. Hebei’s famous high school Zhengding Middle School, Xinji No. 1 Middle School, and Tangshan No. 1 Middle School can’t even compare with the local counties in Hengshui."

  "As a high school principal, it's really very difficult. It's really good to say that quality education is done, but people can't send their children to an ideal university, and people don't accept it. This is not true quality education. It's right to be a principal to grasp the rate of promotion. It is impossible to grasp the'blood-carrying' college enrollment rate, to grasp the'green' college enrollment rate, and to improve the college enrollment rate on the basis of comprehensive development."Xi Huisuo, principal of Hengzhong, said.

  In 1992, the school began to pay close attention to the enrollment rate, especially the number of candidates from Peking University and Tsinghua University. Subsequently, the school continued to promote education and teaching reforms, and regulated teaching behavior in accordance with the laws of education, such as the implementation of "three transfers and five concessions", the introduction of "temptation and inquiry", and the practice of the "three, three, and three teaching methods"...

  Xi Huisuo believes that by relying on overtime and hard work to "swipe questions", and only grasping the scores, the college entrance rate must not be grasped. The enrollment rate is only a specific indicator of education, and behind it is a school's culture, team, spirit, philosophy, brand, etc. A high rate of advancement is not necessarily quality education. A low rate of advancement must not be quality education. Quality education can improve the rate of advancement. The quality of students is high, and there is no reason for the drop in the rate of further studies. Some people think that Hengzhong achieved good results by pinching top students. In fact, Hengzhong began to be pinched and accused of poor quality of education. Later, when the school was run well, there were more and more good students.

  "Hengzhong first has good grades before having good students." Xi Huisuo said that good education can really touch the soul of students, so that students have good personality, knowledge, ability, etc., to achieve their ambitions and have a happy Life can serve the progress of the motherland and the nation.

  Kang Xinjiang, Vice President of Hengzhong University, said: "Tsinghua Peking University highly recognizes Hengzhong students and enrolls students independently every year. There are 30 to 40 places in Hengzhong University, the largest in the province. Tsinghua Peking University has valued the development potential of Hengzhong students. There are a lot of activities, and the students have a wide range of contacts, which quietly cultivates them a spiritual quality of being responsible and pursuing excellence."

  Meal time is only 2 minutes?

  Others think Hengzhong’s teachers and students live in pain, but they don’t know that everyone is enjoying the joy of fighting

  Some outsiders say that Hengzhong’s semi-military management, students are too bitter, too tired, and too much pressure; there have also been media reports that students in Hengzhong only have 2 minutes to eat, and the school stipulates that students cannot go to the toilet for 3 minutes... Actually, This is a misunderstanding of balance.

  A major feature of Hengzhong is the careful management of teachers and students' study and life time.

  All Hengzhong students adopt a boarding system. They get up at 5:40 a.m. every day. As long as they are in school, the school leaders are accompanied on time, 6:10 morning reading, 4 classes in the morning, 1 self-study, 12:00 lunch, 1 hour lunch break, afternoon 2 lessons, 3 self-studies, 6:15 pm dinner, 6:40-7:10 to watch news highlights, 7:15 3 self-study evenings, 9:50 pm back to the dormitory to wash, 10:10 lights off to sleep.

  Make sure to have 8 and a half hours of sleep every day, 1 hour of physical exercise and half an hour of watching news programs. In the first and second grades of high school, there are 2 running exercises every day. There are 3 physical education classes and 2 physical exercise classes every week. Every day from morning to night, there are more than 40 ringtones in Hengzhong, the shortest interval is only 2 minutes. This kind of work and rest system persisted until the day before the college entrance examination.

  Hengzhong graduate Zhao Yudong (class 495) told reporters that he must go to bed during lunch breaks and night breaks, nor can he get up early, read the lights at night, chat and play.

  At the same time, Hengzhong also has a lot of humanized design in management. Take meals at two minutes out of grade, avoid queues, save time, and ensure quality. Students can bring milk, biscuits, apples, pears, and other perishable food to the school, but they can only eat in the dormitory; students can buy food in the supermarket of the catering center, but only in the catering center and dormitory.

  During the class, the teacher waits in advance, can't delay the class, the comprehensive self-study teacher can't enter the classroom to "disturb" students, the subject self-study teacher can't take the stage to teach, and can't run any extracurricular classes on holidays. Discipline self-study after class, no matter whether it is completed or not, you must hand in your homework, the purpose is not to extend the homework outside the class and occupy students' extracurricular time. During breaks between classes, teachers can enjoy free coffee breaks.

  During work, the teacher can enter and leave the campus at will, and can go out to buy food when there is no class. As long as he says hello, it does not count as leave or deduct money.

  Xi Huisuo said that children's high school period is a key period for the growth of muscles and blood vessels. Sleep is very important. Only when you sleep well can you have enough energy and a good mood to concentrate on studying. At present, there are few high school graduation classes, including many schools in first-tier cities, that can guarantee eight and a half hours of sleep every day like Hengzhong students. The long-term and regular study life has enabled Hengzhong students to develop a good sense of time, sense of rules and independent ability.

  Zhao Binhan, a graduate of Hengzhong who was admitted to Jilin University, said that Hengzhong’s three years of training made him a habit of going to bed early, getting up early, and combining work and rest. He can also manage time scientifically and efficiently in the university, and live and study in an orderly manner with less effort.

  Hengzhong's Chinese teacher Hai Guozhi said that when others are playing games, Hengzhong students are taking a nap; when others are shopping to chase the trend, Hengzhong students are watching the news broadcast; when others are lighting up and staying up late, Hengzhong students are sleeping soundly; others are sleeping in class , Hengzhong students are listening intently. "It's hard to look at the balance from the outside, but the students don't feel hard, but they are very fulfilling."

  Xi Huisuo said that the children in Hengzhong looked very hard, but they were very sunny. After visiting the Hengzhong field, the guests from the south and the north said that they could not imagine how the students of Hengzhong looked like. Some even said that there was light in the eyes of Hengzhong students. When will there be light in human eyes? Teachers and students have faith, education has power, schools have hope, and faith has light in their eyes. When others feel that Hengzhong teachers and students live in "pain and hell", they actually don't know how good the teachers and students are enjoying the hard work, hard work but not pain.

  Achievements depend on the question of sea tactics

  The teacher jumped into the question sea and the students jumped out of the question sea. The teacher is responsible for organizing the essential test questions, which is equivalent to reducing the burden on the students

  Xi Huisuo said that no matter there is an exam, there is an exam. The main position of quality education is the classroom, because students spend most of their time in the classroom. The classroom should focus on the cultivation and improvement of learning ability, thinking quality and cultural character. To improve the scores of the college entrance examination, it is not that the questions and tactics are madly brushed, nor that it is to extend the time for endless learning, but to ask for efficiency in the classroom.

  Each lesson in Hengzhong is compressed from 50 minutes to 45 minutes, and then to 40 minutes, which is more in line with the law of student growth, making students more concentrated in class, and also increasing the number of class hours, ensuring that at least half of the class hours are self-study every day, so that students can fully Study independently.

  Each lesson of any subject requires the teaching and research team to conduct a collective study three times before, during, and after the class. Each teacher's opinions collide with each other.

  At the same time, we will further promote teaching reform and encourage individualized teaching. In the classroom, teachers are encouraged to continue teaching for no more than five minutes. Each class asks students at least five valid questions to allow students to make mistakes, question and argue. Students take the initiative to raise valuable questions, indicating that students have really studied and thought deeply. This kind of in-depth thinking and the improvement of thinking quality are a very important part of quality education.

  Zhao Yudong said that they don't do the test materials in the society casually. The teacher is responsible for organizing the essence test questions, and doing more with less effort, equal to 10 equals, is equal to the teacher reducing the burden on students. Some schools do not do less, but many of them are repetitive and useless.

  Chinese teacher Wang Xiaoming said that the school requires "teacher to jump into the sea of ​​questions, students jump out of the sea of ​​questions". In Hengzhong's self-study assignments, simultaneous exercises, and mock exams, all teachers in each grade have group questions. The questions come from classic questions, college entrance examination questions, Hengzhong adaptation questions, and exchange questions from scientific institutions and other famous schools. The test questions are highly targeted and close to the students' weaknesses in solving problems, which can easily cause students to think. Over the years, the school has formed a rich question bank.

  Wang Jianyong, vice president of Hengzhong, said that Hengzhong implemented open schools and did not treat its test questions as treasures. The test questions used this year will be outdated next year. Hengzhong’s management experience and test questions can be provided to peers without reservation, and regular open-day activities for the society are held. Every year, tens of thousands of people come to Hengzhong to visit and study, and also encourage teachers to exchange and academic seminars in other famous schools, the purpose is to force teachers to keep up with the situation and innovate. Hengzhong has been pushing forward on the road of reform and innovation. Now Hengzhong is not the same as Hengzhong five years ago, ten years ago, and fifteen years ago. Sooner or later will be eliminated.

  Hengshui Middle School is located in an underdeveloped fourth-tier city. It is no more than those provincial high schools. The newly recruited teachers of the school are generally not graduated from famous normal universities.

  Hengzhong promotes the mentoring system and advocates teamwork. It never advocates "outstanding", but "full of spring." The master’s experience must be given to each other. The teacher’s teaching performance is not good. Find the reason for the director of the research course and whether it is in place.

  Young teachers in Hengzhong are growing very fast. After three to five years of training, their qualities and team qualities will be significantly higher. Some three years have become business backbones, and four years have become middle-level cadres.

  In recent years, more than 100 teaching and research achievements of teachers have won national and provincial awards, more than 200 teachers have won special prizes or first prizes in teaching competitions above the provincial level, and more than 1,000 teachers have gone to lecture or do In the open class, many teachers have become "scientific research" and "expert" teachers.

  There is no teacher in Hengzhong who is engaged in paid tutoring. The headhunting company is stationed in Hengshui all year round, and very few teachers have been robbed. Hengzhong teachers often prepare lessons until late at night. After each large exam, they always read the exam papers overnight; some teachers and family members are hospitalized, preparing lessons and correcting homework while accompanying them; some graduating class teachers approach the college entrance examination and find that they are still sick. Stick to the last class.

  "Hengzhong's success does not depend on a certain school leader and a small number of key teachers, but on a team of teachers who dare to win and always strive for the first." Wang Jianyong said.

  Batch "high score but low energy students"?

  Pay attention to the contact between students and society, the combination of classroom and practice, and hope that each student can show his or her ability and compete to bloom

  For a long time, Hengzhong students have been labeled as "high scores and low energy". The society's understanding of Hengzhong pays more attention to its "horrible" college entrance examination results.

  In fact, Hengzhong pays more attention to moral education while teaching knowledge, so that students can benefit for life. Hengzhong organizes more than 70 colorful and elaborate activities such as military training for freshmen in the first year, 18-year-old adult ceremony, 80-mile hiking, campus psychological drama competition, top ten civilized moral model selections, top ten outstanding academic stars selection, etc. to enhance students Comprehensive quality stimulates the growth motivation of students.

  No matter how intense the study is, one political class, one class meeting, one group activity or moral education class, and two reading classes per week will not be affected. Implement the "three provinces and ten questions", "do one good thing every day, accumulate a word every day", no criticism day on Monday, apology day on Saturday, and guide students to self-manage and self-educate.

  Many parents report that a child's enrollment for more than a month is like a personal change, and he has loved the motherland, respected teachers, understood gratitude, and took the initiative to learn. In particular, the parents and students embraced and wept at the adult ceremony, which shocked the child's soul and baptized the spirit, and enhanced the growth momentum.

  Among them, 80 Huali Hiking is a brand activity course of Hengzhong. Such other schools dare and are not willing to organize and have safety risks. Hengzhong has been insisting for more than 20 years. There was a girl who suffered severe heat stroke during a hike and almost had a safety accident, but Hengzhong did not waste food because of choking, and still insisted on hiking.

  Guo Chunyu, deputy principal of Hengzhong, said that the current children lack the will to endure hardships and work hard, and the team consciousness is weak. Hiking is like a long march, which makes students feel hard and difficult, but they can be overcome through hard work, and they have also cultivated a sense of teamwork and cooperation, and enhanced class cohesion.

  Playing music is not quality education, and quality education is not just playing music. Hengzhong does not have a certain specialty as the school running characteristic, but is comprehensive and high-quality, so that each student can show their abilities and compete to bloom.

  Aiming at students who have the abilities to learn, Hengzhong formed an Orsay training interest group in 2004 and an Orsay class in 2008. Today, only 29 gold medals and 31 silver medals have been won in the country in the last year. 19 people entered the national training team and directly protected Tsinghua University and Peking University. In particular, Deng Zijie won the international chemistry Olympic gold medal with the second overall score and the first academic score.

  This year, more than 1,500 people won 828 provincial and higher-level honorary awards in arts, sports, science and technology, associations and other competitions, breaking more than 60 event records.

  The school offers more than 100 elective courses including etiquette school, and many courses have more than 100 students elective courses, expanding their horizons and promoting their personality. There are also more than 50 associations in Hengzhong, involving arts and sports, technological innovation, modular business competitions, composition contests, propositional speeches, subject capabilities, etc.

  Others say that the students who come out of the balance have no creativity. Xi Huisuo believes that creativity is composed of basic knowledge, curiosity and curiosity, divergent thinking, and logical ability. High school education can precisely strengthen these aspects. All students who actively study often have strong curiosity and curiosity. High school is a stage where all disciplines lay the foundation. It is inappropriate to ignore the foundation.

  He added that the improvement of the overall creativity of society requires respecting knowledge and talents, correcting the academic atmosphere, increasing investment in research and development, encouraging innovation, and protecting intellectual property rights. It is a comprehensive systematic project. I think that basic education can solve all problems. Imagine that Einstein can mass-produce, and then attribute all social problems to basic education. This is an incorrect question and a wrong medicine.

  In fact, Hengzhong pays attention to the contact between students and society, the combination of classroom and practice, and cultivates students' ability of divergent thinking and information integration.

  In the Spring Festival of 2017, Heng Chinese students in class 721 sent the political test sites reflected in the Spring Festival Gala to the Internet, and parents were also proud: "Let students fall in love with learning and take the initiative to learn. This is the top education."

  The gold medal of the National Chemistry Olympiad has to stand for sail, not only the chairman of the Hengzhong Middle School Student Union, but also the host of the school party and the pillar of the school; Zhang Zhiguo is not only the "top ten class leader" and "top ten singer", but also has a beautiful violin; Ni Xiaodong Don't talk, but have their own website "People Fight Network"......

  "Hengzhong is a shocking campus. It is a passionate campus. Students have light in their eyes. They are not forced to learn, but they are rushing to learn. They can't see fatigue or complain, but they are confident, sunny, Upward, versatile, full of passion and vitality," said a teacher from Suining Advanced Experimental School in Sichuan Province after visiting Hengzhong.

  General lack of stamina?

  Hengzhong is not just for students to enter a good university. Graduates in previous years have become the backbone of various industries

  At present, the education community is arguing over what quality education is. Hengzhong teachers believe that quality education is not the opposite of exam-oriented education. Combining history, land and physical education together with exams does not represent the comprehensive quality of students. Comprehensive quality includes ideological and moral, physical, psychological, labor aesthetics, and stress resistance , Expressive ability, adaptability, ability to deal with problems and other aspects. Quality education is imperative, but it cannot be perfunctoryly simplified with vague happiness, freedom, ease, and entertainment, ignoring the true qualities that should be valued, and not opposing quality education with the rate of progression.

  Kang Xinjiang said that children in this era often lack self-discipline, respect, responsibility, etc. There are indeed many problems in current education, such as not paying attention to mental health, neglecting internal cultivation, disrespecting student personality, indoctrination teaching, teacher misconduct, Too profit-driven.

  "These problems are not the problems of the education system and the college entrance examination, but the comprehensive quality of teachers' qualities, parents' qualities, teaching methods, teaching contents, educational methods, etc." Kang Xinjiang said, to promote quality education, we must promote correct educational concepts and improve Teacher quality, improve teaching methods, increase the rule of law thinking and psychological teaching content, expand channels to do job matching, reduce pressure, increase the way out.

  There is a famous saying on the campus of Hengzhong: "You have followed me for three years, and I'administer' your life". This is what the teacher said to the students, and it is also a reflection of Hengzhong's responsible school. Hengzhong’s education is not only about getting students to get high scores in good universities, but students going out of Hengzhong should have high ambitions, clear goals, strong will, comprehensive development, and become a compound type with “Chinese heart, world eye, modern brain” Talents and qualified successors.

  Xi Huisuo said that Hengzhong insists on facing the whole and improving comprehensively, so that students can study scientific and cultural knowledge at the same time, but each has its own emphasis. . Starting from the actuality of students' personalities, the school explores the prospective positioning and advanced practice, and explores the establishment of humanities experimental classes, international classes, sea flights, music classes, art classes, sports classes, etc., to give students of different potentials one choice, more An opportunity to stand out, a different future.

  "We have to think about the life of a student and the development of his next generation, the entire family, and even the country." Wang Jianyong, vice president of Hengzhong, said that the first year of freshman enrollment requires military training for 10 days, and proposes "ten days of military training, affecting three years and benefiting for life. The concept of "students not only learns some military knowledge and basic military skills, but also refines the flesh, and more importantly, they temper their will, baptism, and sublimation and growth. Military training allows students to develop a military style of prohibition, seriousness, hard work, and daring to fight. The victorious military temperament, the military spirit of worrying about the country and the people, and patriotic repaying the country, and any setback difficulties in the future life can be supported by spirit and will. Every year, Hengzhong invites nearly 100 leaders, experts, academicians, and scientists from all walks of life to give lectures. The purpose is to guide students to clarify their goals in life and find a spiritual fulcrum.

  Xi Huisuo said that after three years of training, the overall quality of Hengzhong students has been greatly improved. After graduation, they still show excellent qualities: hard work, concentration, dreaming, passion, anti-stress, perseverance, self-discipline, cohesion, and Develop a good habit. Huawei Ren Zhengfei has publicly praised the willpower of middle school students five times.

  At present, it is roughly understood that a group of graduates of Hengzhong have emerged, such as the 2015 graduate Wang Tai, who won the Zhu Kezhen Scholarship of Zhejiang University and the top ten university students; the 2010 graduate Dou Qi won the title of Young Scientist of the Hong Kong Science Society, Only one candidate was selected for all doctoral graduates in Hong Kong that year; Jiang Changqing, a 2003 graduate, won the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award for the projects he participated in...

  The graduates of Hengzhong in the previous years have become the backbone of various industries. I believe that in another 10 or 15 years, Hengzhong graduates will definitely have leading talents in various fields around the world.