Stéphane Bern will have a busy start to the year on France Télévisions - © C.Lartige / CL2P / France Télévisions

French heritage will be in the spotlight on the France Télévisions channels at the start of the new school year. At a press conference, Takis Candilis, the number 2 of the audiovisual group, announced the new features in the program schedule in September. In addition to games and fictional events, the public service channels will be keen to show the richness of our regions.

Thus, after the election of the Preferred Village of the French , France 3 will broadcast La Ferme preferred des Français . In this new program, 14 farms, from 14 regions of France, will be selected to put a spotlight on the agricultural world and highlight regional, cultural and historical specificities. However, we do not yet know the name of the person who will be hosting it.

Big program for Stéphane Bern and Cyril Féraud

For his part, Stéphane Bern has two programs in his boxes. The first will be broadcast on the occasion of European Heritage Days in September, and will be called The Favorite Monument of the French . It will be a historical and cultural visit to the 14 French regions. His second project, Mission Patrimoine , will be an opportunity to tour the renovation sites.

Still on the chain, Cyril Féraud will be in command of the Grand Concours des Régions , available over three thematic evenings. Talents from all over France will compete around the best recipe, the best folk dance and the best comedy sketch.


"Heritage must evolve and come to the rescue of the community", according to Stéphane Bern


"The favorite village of the French": In Hunspach, the residents fear to "lose their soul"

  • Closed
  • Television
  • France 3
  • Region
  • France Televisions
  • Heritage
  • Stéphane Bern