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Children with coronavirus- related pediatric multisystemic inflammatory syndrome (SMI) may experience neurological symptoms involving the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system, new research from University College London, UK suggests.

In a case series study of 27 children with SMIs by Covid-19 at a London hospital, four had recent onset symptoms including headache , brainstem and cerebellum signs, encephalopathy , muscle weakness, and reduced reflections .

After the patients were admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU), the MRIs showed changes in the corpus callosum splendium (SCC) in all four patients. "Reversible SSC injuries are rare, but have been previously reported in patients with encephalopathies and are believed to represent focal intramyelin edema secondary to inflammation," the researchers note.

In addition, "mild excess slow activity" was found in all three children who underwent electroencephalography, and mild myopathic and neuropathic changes were found in all three who underwent nerve conduction measures and electromyography.

A transient SSC injury, "either alone or with more extensive brain involvement," has also been reported in children with Kawasaki disease , as the researchers recall.

At the end of the study, all four showed neurological improvement , and two fully recovered. "More research is needed to assess the association of neurological symptoms with immunological changes among children with coronaviruses, " explain the researchers, led by Dr. Omar Abdel-Mannan of the Department of Neurology at Children's Hospital of Great Ormond Street (London). .

In April, researchers from several European countries with a high number of Covid-19 cases recognized a new inflammatory syndrome in children that was similar to Kawasaki disease, a rare syndrome known to affect young children. In early June, a study by Imperial College London (UK) in children with these severe inflammatory symptoms shows that they are not suffering from Kawasaki disease, but a new pathology .

This new disease, which researchers have named SARS-CoV-2 Temporarily Associated Pediatric Multisystemic Inflammatory Syndrome (PIMS-TS), was studied in 58 children admitted to eight hospitals in England. It is believed to be extremely rare, but there is concern that lasting coronary damage will occur . Fewer than 200 cases have been reported in England with a range of symptoms and severity, and most children have already recovered.

While the team cannot say with certainty that PIMS-TS is caused by Covid-19 , 45 of the 58 children had evidence of current or past Covid-19 infection , and researchers say the occurrence of a new inflammatory condition during a pandemic is a coincidence.

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