High-risk patients to participate in this clinical trial - Allili Mourad

It is a new hope in the fight against the Covid-19. The French biotechnology company Abivax announced this Thursday that it has started, at the Nice University Hospital, the treatment of a first patient with ABX464. This promising drug will be tested as part of the trialcontrolled “miR-AGE”, conducted in fifty study centers across Europe and in Latin America on 1,034 high-risk patients.

"The main objective of this trial is to validate the potential of ABX464 to limit viral replication in patients as well as the severe inflammation that leads to acute respiratory distress syndrome [ARDS]", indicates the management of Abivax. According to the company, the molecule has already demonstrated "a marked antiviral effect", "in vitro", against SARS-CoV-2.


The first patient in this “Phase 2b / 3” trial (to determine the optimal dose of the drug and its possible adverse effects) has therefore just started treatment in the capital of the French Riviera. "The simplicity of daily administration of ABX464 orally allows us to include COVID-19 patients hospitalized and non-hospitalized in this trial", specifies Dr. Eric Cua, infectiologist at the University Hospital of Nice.

The results of this international study are expected at the end of this year. In previous clinical trials, ABX464 had already "demonstrated an antiviral effect against HIV" and, according to Abivax, it is "the first therapeutic candidate to have shown a reduction in the reservoirs" of the virus in infected patients.


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  • Clinical test
  • Covid 19
  • Drug
  • Coronavirus
  • Health
  • Nice