A Corgi dog (Illustration) - Lucio Liu from Pixabay

Cat, dog, turtle or snake ... One in two French people has at least one pet. After working with various animal protection associations, LREM deputies have decided to draft a law proposal which stipulates that "anyone wishing to acquire a dog or cat must have a pet license".

A permit which could be withdrawn in the event of mistreatment and which any abuse could go up to "four years of imprisonment and 60,000 euros of fine".

End of wild animals in circuses

This is one of the flagship measures of this text, which has others, such as that to put an end to the presence of wild animals in circuses by January 1, 2026 or even to prohibit bullfights unless 16 years old.

It is the deputy of Essonne, Laetitia Romeiro-Dias, supported by seven "walkers" including Aurore Bergé, Laurianne Rossi and Corinne Vignon, who brings this proposal "relating to the improvement of the animal condition and the fight against abuse ".

The text is based on four axes: "the end of animal suffering in so-called leisure activities", "the supervision of the marketing and keeping of a pet", the "strengthening of sanctions against ill-treatment, neglect and neglect ”and measures“ aimed at putting an end to the breeding of animals used for their fur ”.


Video of L214 in Aveyron: The Minister of Agriculture calls for "the immediate suspension" of the slaughterhouse after "unacceptable practices"


Toll-free number, sale, abandonment… 121 measures handed over to the government to change animal conditions

  • LREM
  • Deputy
  • Law
  • Animal cruelty
  • Animals
  • Animal protection
  • Planet
  • Society