[Commentary] Mentioning the name Liang Shi, many people may have some impressions, because this Liang Shi has taken part in 23 college entrance examinations intermittently since 1983. "Madman" "China's first iron brain" and "China's first test king" title.

  On July 1, the reporter saw Liang Shi, a 53-year-old college student who was reading a book and reviewing at a tea house in Chengdu. Since 1983, he has signed up for the college entrance examination, and he has taken it 23 times.

  [Same period] Candidate Liang Shi

  Last year's exam was not good. I just took two books last year and scored more than 460 points. I am still a little disappointed. After all, I still want to at least take another copy. (My) higher expectation is definitely to want to go to Sichuan University, that is, the general expectation is to take a duplicate test.

  [Commentary] In June 2019, Liang Shi participated in the 23rd college entrance examination. Liang Shi said that the college entrance examination did not work well and felt not very good. His test score is 462 points, more than 3 points of Sichuan Second Main Line. Facing the gap of nearly 100 points from the admission line of Sichuan University, Liang Shi once again decided to continue the exam.

  [Same period] Candidate Liang Shi

  I think I must win. I want to make a lot of money if I want, but what about the exam? Anyway, I think it's done. I have never lost my confidence, I think it is okay, I am still good.

  [Commentary] At present, in the last few days before the college entrance examination, Liang Shi is doing the final sprint in the teahouse.

  He Xihe Mei Kun reports from Chengdu

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]