Shenzhen Consumer Council reminds: Consumers renting QQ/WeChat accounts have serious security risks

  The Shenzhen Consumer Council issued a reminder today (29th) that consumers should protect their QQ/WeChat account passwords and use them compliantly, especially when renting QQ/WeChat accounts has serious security risks. Do not try!

  According to the Shenzhen Consumer Council, since the crackdown on fraud, pornography, gambling, and other "Internet illicit products" has been increased in 2019, a large number of consumer complaints reflect that their QQ/WeChat accounts have been suspended, and that they have not been responsible for violations. Don't know. From 2020 to the present, Tencent has received more than 10,000 complaints about account number closures due to leasing WeChat accounts.

  The Shenzhen Consumer Council said that with the continued strengthening of the security control of QQ/WeChat accounts, the crackdown has continued to increase, resulting in severe damage to "malicious merchants" engaged in sales, auxiliary registration, and unblocking services. The number source space is greatly compressed, and it is difficult to survive. The "malicious number dealer" has thus called up the idea of ​​"renting" an account. Their target group is usually "free people" in society, such as students, treasure mothers, and freelancers. Etc., by posting "part-time" advertisements on the Internet, at a high commission price ranging from tens to hundreds of yuan per day, the victims are attracted to take the initiative to give up their accounts. Subsequently, the use of rented accounts facilitated fraud, dissemination of pornographic gambling and other bad information, resulting in the disclosure and use of the victim's identity information, personal or family and friends' funds were damaged, the account was suspended, and even assumed legal responsibility.

  The Shenzhen Consumer Council emphasized that there are three serious security risks in leasing QQ/WeChat accounts: First, there are hidden risks in personal information security. Personal privacy is out of protection, and sensitive content of personal information may be collected or sold on the black market; second, there are hidden dangers to fund security. Friends do not know about account lending, and criminals use the identity of the account number to carry out loan lending, malicious harassment or fraud to friends; third, there are hidden dangers in account security. Accounts have the risk of being stolen at any time, such as being used to carry out spam marketing, recruiting prostitutes or spreading bad information and other malicious acts, will lead to account violations and be suspended. Personal information security, fund security, account security, etc. are all out of the protection, and will seriously assume legal responsibilities. Renting QQ/WeChat accounts to store serious security risks should not be underestimated.

  The Consumer Council of Shenzhen City reminds consumers to do "four nos": no rent, no loan, no sale, no trust. One is to keep calm when you see similar "lease number" information on the Internet, and don't be fooled by the small interests in front of you. If you see such an advertisement on the QQ/WeChat platform, you can use the client or contact Tencent Customer Service's "Tencent 110" in time. "The small program reports; the second is to protect your various accounts and passwords, do not lend to others to use or authorize others to log in, so as not to cause personal privacy leakage, and provide opportunities for criminals to act as cover for others to do illegal acts; The third is to enhance legal awareness, know the law, understand the law, abide by the law, and consciously maintain a good network environment, and do not participate in illegal behaviors such as "numbering and sales"; fourth, when encountering friends borrowing money online, you should call to confirm clearly Before deciding whether to lend money to the other party, don't believe it immediately to avoid economic losses. (Wang Jing, CCTV reporter)