October 27, 2018, in Brest (Finistère). A bearded seal at the Océanopolis aquarium. - Clément Follain / 20 Minutes

Sami Hassani is formal. The seal found headless on Saturday on a beach in Finistère has not been beheaded. It is putrefaction which is at the origin of the loss of the animal. "Whatever the origin of death, capture, old age or illness, in a seal when the putrefaction is done, after several days of drift, there are parts which are more affected than others, in general the hind legs are very damaged and the head ends up falling, ”explains the correspondent for the National Stranding Network (RNE).

These explanations contradict the version of the association for the protection of the environment Grumpy Nature which had assured Tuesday to have found a decapitated seal on the beach of Pen Trez, in the town of Saint-Nic. “He was a young male who was missing his head. We saw that it had been cut with a knife, "said David Hemery, co-founder of the small environmental association, estimating that the death of the animal, a protected species," dates back several days, if not is several weeks. "

The Iroise Marine Natural Park confirms this version

"Our local correspondents, who work for the Iroise marine park, have seen the seal and have no doubt that putrefaction is the cause of the head loss," assures Sami Hassani. "Our agents are trained in autopsies on marine animals and there is nothing to confirm that the seal has been decapitated," added Fabien Boileau, director of the Iroise Marine Natural Park.

Similarly, according to Sami Hassani, when dolphins are found mutilated most of the time, it is due to accidental captures. To remove them from the net, it may indeed be necessary to cut their tails or fins.

Two fishermen soon to face justice

In early 2019, two seals were found beheaded on beaches in the Concarneau region. Two fishermen are being prosecuted in this case. One admitted having beheaded them, after having accidentally fished them, in order to preserve the heads for naturalization. The second, the owner of the fishing boat, is prosecuted for non-declaration of accidental fishing of protected marine mammals. They are scheduled to appear in October before the Quimper Criminal Court.


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  • Reindeer
  • Animals
  • Seal
  • Planet