Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh in Gone with the Wind - Collection supplied by Capital Pictures / Starface

After being deleted for two weeks, the much-contested film  Gone with the Wind returns to HBO Max, with two bonus videos to contextualize it, according to Variety .

The long feature film (3 h 58) carried by Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable and released in 1939 is considered by many academics to be the most ambitious and effective instrument of Southern revisionism. He notably presents a romantic version of the South and a very watered-down vision of slavery, with in particular house staff depicted as satisfied with their lot and treated as ordinary employees.

One hour debate

In the first video, which lasts a little over four minutes, academic Jacqueline Stewart explains why the work should be viewed and contextualized. “I will offer an introduction to put the film back in its multiple historical contexts. For me, this is an opportunity to reflect on what the classics can teach us, ”she explained to USA Today a few days before the video was posted.

The second video is a recording of an hour-long debate, titled "The Giant Legacy of Gone With the Wind", held in April 2019 in Hollywood during the TCM Classic Film Festival, and moderated by historian Donald Bogle.


After “Gone with the Wind”, platforms are increasing the number of warnings before “problematic films”

  • Cinema
  • HBO
  • Slavery
  • United States
  • Racism
  • Movie
  • Culture