Because of the impact of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic, this year's college entrance examination was postponed for a month. Recently, a video became popular on the Internet. In order to ease the pressure on the college entrance examination students, a teacher in Xi'an pretended to be a bear and walked into the classroom to cheer the students up.

The teacher pretends to be a bear and cheer for the students.

  English teacher pretends to be a bear

  The reporter saw in this video that the students in the classroom were looking at the front with curious eyes. A clumsy "little bear" with strange dance steps came into the classroom, and as the dance steps changed, a sign was raised--" Hold on, followed by several antics, showing the signs of "go all out" and "you are the best", and danced and lifted the "College entrance exam"...

  Every sign raised by "Little Bear" is full of blessings and expectations for students. Finally, "Little Bear" took off his hood, wiped the sweat from his head, and raised a sign that said "Teacher loves you". It turned out that "Little Bear" was a teacher. Since "Little Bear" walked into the classroom, the students have been excited, laughter and applause, seeing the teacher take off the hood, the students cheered with enthusiasm and applauded the dear teacher.

  The reporter learned that it was an English teacher in Xi'an Wenda Tutoring School who was dressed as a bear. This teacher is very popular with students and is affectionately called "Sister Qiao" by the students. In the comment area at the bottom of the video, many students commented: "Sister Qiao's cheering moved us so much" "Sister Qiao is awesome, this is the most special lesson". There are also comments that "to meet such an English teacher is the happiest thing in my life."

  This video has attracted the attention and discussion of many netizens. Many netizens said, "I have burst into tears" "This is a respectable teacher, and it is worthy of students to remember a good teacher for a lifetime"...

  Netizens recall preparation experience

  "I really want to go back to the student age! My teacher is unforgettable." Many netizens who have long left the school and entered the society were brought back to campus by this video, recalling the various kinds of school and teachers they sent when they were preparing for the college entrance examination. All kinds of encouragement. At the same time, it also sends blessings to the students who will take the college entrance examination this year, encouraging them to use the sweat of hard work to infuse the high three roads without regret.

  In order to allow students to study more efficiently and spend more time with students, some netizens said that their teachers moved their desks into the classroom and sat in the last row of the classroom after class every day, correcting homework, preparing lessons, researching test questions To accompany students to prepare for the exam.

  Netizen "Ayan" said, remember that before leaving the college entrance examination, the teacher in charge of the class came down from the podium and gave a hug and a letter to each of the 69 students in the class, encouraging everyone to take the exam. The teacher also mentioned in the farewell speech that as long as he insisted on completing the college entrance examination, he passed the first tunnel in his life and would certainly be able to climb a hillside.

  The netizen "Old Boy" recalled the day before the college entrance examination. "Because I was too nervous, I felt like I would not do anything. I went to school and wanted the teacher to talk about the topic again. As a result, the teacher took it to the playground and played a basketball." The netizen said that until today, he still remembers the hearty afternoon. After playing basketball, the teacher took his shoulders to relax him and encouraged him.

  "Before the college entrance examination, I received the "Admission Notice" from my favorite university." A netizen who participated in the college entrance examination during SARS in 2003 said that as soon as he was in the third year of high school, the class teacher asked each student to write on the blackboard behind the classroom. In my favorite university, on the day before the college entrance examination, the class teacher made a simulated admission notice for each student in accordance with everyone's goals. "The teacher encouraged us to sprint into the college entrance exam with full enthusiasm in this way." Netizens said, "I got that'Admission Notice', and my heart is full of joy and more motivation."

  The teacher brainstormed for the candidates

  The particularity of this year's college entrance examination has brought many challenges to many teachers. To help senior high school students prepare for the exam smoothly and spend the time before the exam efficiently and easily, teachers from various schools in Xi'an brainstormed ideas and cheered for the senior three students.

  During the interview, a senior high school teacher in a middle school in Chengnan told reporters that the epidemic has doubled the pressure on students and disrupted the teachers' previous teaching plans. After returning to school to resume classes, teachers need to spend more thought and energy than usual, not only to help students make up the courses in time, but also to help students prepare for exams in many aspects of psychology and life. The teacher said, "In order to better encourage students, accompany students, and improve students' achievements, teachers have'spelled'."

  In an interview with the 10th Middle School in Xi'an, the reporter found that a special "video lesson" was added after returning to school for the third grade of the 10th Middle School. The teacher Zhang Ying will play a video for students before the class every afternoon , "Chasing the Wind", "Houlang"... Similar videos were recently played by Zhang Ying in the classroom. Zhang Ying said that she hopes to use these inspirational videos to motivate students to persevere, and at the same time add a little bit of fun to the boring study life of senior three students.

  When asked about the impact of the epidemic on students' test preparation, Zhang Ying said that the online courses during the epidemic have given many students a slack review. After returning to school to resume classes, she focused on the students' status around the problems that occurred during the epidemic. "Teach more for students with weak knowledge points and enlighten children with inner anxiety." Zhang Ying said that besides normal teaching, she will sort out the problems encountered by each student every night and develop targeted ones around these problems. Solutions to help students overcome bottlenecks during the sprint and improve and stabilize their grades.

  The school and teachers worked hard, and these efforts were also seen by the students. A senior three student said, "These efforts of the teachers have given us more warm memories of the test preparation experience in this epidemic. It will not only move us, but also bring motivation and hope."

  Reporter Ma Xiang intern Zhu Jiale