Experts' Meeting also gives impression of policy decisions Clarify government's decision and implementation June 24, 6:44

Members of the government's expert council, which has been discussing measures against the infection of the new coronavirus, will verify the proposals and information transmission so far, and will also announce the way of preparing for the second wave on the 24th. It was
Looking back on whether the expert council itself had given the impression that it had made policy decisions, it was clarified that the government would decide whether to adopt the recommendations of experts and implement the policy in the future. I should do it.

An expert meeting was established to advise the government on medical measures from the viewpoint of medical infectious diseases, but in late February, the government felt that the sense of crisis for the spread of infection was not generally understood and the government agreed. After gaining the knowledge, they came to directly give their opinions and suggestions that showed the infection status and countermeasures.

As a result of examining the series and background of such a series from last month, it was often said that the members of the expert council appealed for infection control, and it seemed to give the impression that the policy was decided on its own. I will.

In addition, in preparation for the second wave of infection, the government will decide whether to adopt the recommendations made by experts, clearly show that the policy will be implemented, and utilize communication experts to respond to the crisis, etc. It is urgently demanding a review of the system.

The members of the expert council will announce such content on the 24th.