Harisu said she wanted to have a baby and was worried about transplanting the uterus.

"It was people's greed to want to have a child. So I actually thought about getting a uterus from a transsexual," said Hari-soo, who appeared in SBS Plus,'Do you eat and carry rice?'

However, in reality, it was not easy. "It's medically possible, but to transplant, you need to take at least one year of immunosuppressants and do it like a baby in vitro," he added. "It wasn't my husband's desire."

Harissu divorced Mickey and his 10-year marriage in 2017. "In fact, it was negative for marriage. I met a lot of famous people after my celebrity debut, but I didn't have any thoughts about getting married," he said.

However, Mickey Jeong changed Harisu's mind. "I was comfortable with that person (Miki-jung)," said Harissu, and he explained why he got married.

He also expressed his gratitude for Mickey and his sorry heart. "I was a transgender," said Harissu. "There was a rumor that Harisu's husband was a gay or a woman to a man." He continued to be attacked and deprecated. After hearing that, I was grateful for protecting me." .

Miki-jung remarried a non-celebrity under the age of two in 2019. At the time, Harisu also left a congratulatory message on his SNS saying, "Hope you live well and be happy. Be happy."

Harisu is currently making a new love. "I'm in love for the second year since I meet a new person," she said. "I'm not going to have a public relationship in the future." 

(Reporter Ji-hye Kim, SBS funE)