“The cold front, which first shed the first portion of rains yesterday afternoon, has already passed through the almost metropolitan region ... Atmospheric pressure is growing now, the anticyclone will determine the weather next week, it's such a Scandinavian anticyclone. It will bring a portion of cooler air, so at night the temperature can drop in Moscow to +10 ... + 12 ° C, in the region to + 8 ° C. That is, for this time it’s cool nights, but nonetheless for relaxation it’s very comfortable, ”said the weather forecaster.

He noted that the temperature in the daytime tomorrow will be +20 ... + 21 ° C, and in the next days it will begin to rise. 

“And by the middle of the week we will return to comfortable +25 ... + 26 ° С. Regarding precipitation, we expect that the anticyclone will disperse these clouds, atmospheric pressure will be high, therefore, variable cloud cover will prevail, and significant precipitation is not expected next week, ”concluded Pozdnyakova.

Earlier it became known that in the first three weeks of June 156 mm of precipitation fell in Moscow, which is twice the monthly norm in the capital.