
There is a movie that catches the eye of the situation on the Korean Peninsula. A documentary film depicting the inter-Korean relationship seen by a French director is being screened at the theater, where he can look into North Korea's inner nuclear weapons and unification.

Reporter Choi Ho-won.


The appearance of Dangunneung in North Korea covered by the French director shows that the North and the South are Koreans with the same founding myth.

It is the two Koreas that should one day become one, but the idea of ​​unification is completely different.

[Mr. Jaseongnam/Former Ambassador to the North of the United Nations: I believe that the unification of Germany is not in harmony with the reality of our country. If one side tries to eat out different ideas and systems, it will never cause rebellion on one side... .] Even the

inter-Korean summit was concluded, but the North Korean leadership expressed the idea that unification would never be easy.

[Lee Dong-won/Former Minister of Unification: (President Kim Dae-jung) asked if it would be possible in 10-20 years to unify, so Kim Jong-il would disagree and it would take 40-50 years… .]

North Korea's perception that laying down nuclear weapons is a path to destruction, has already deep roots.

[Lee Tong-seop/Director of North Korea's Recorded Video: The only one who protects himself is himself. Libya (believing in the United States) had abolished all nuclear weapons. Eventually,

North Korea knows that reconciliation and cooperation are good for everyone.

[Lee Jong-hyuk / Vice Chairman of the North Asia-Pacific Peace Committee: Do you have abundant underground resources and highly trained and prepared personnel in our North? Numerous personnel. It's one of the things South Korean companies are very interested in.]

However, North Korea's recent choice is not a unity, but an extreme confrontation.

The documentary says that the distance between Seoul and Pyongyang is less than 200 km, but the road to unity and reunification is still far.