The Hong Kong Government has launched successively on educational issues, and the Hong Kong Education Bureau has put forward specific requirements for school teachers

  [Yi Lan, Special Correspondent of Global Times in Hong Kong] Hong Kong's "rule of revision" experienced one year, and the number of students arrested for suspected involvement in illegal activities accounted for 40% of the total number of arrests. Over the past few days, the Hong Kong Education Bureau has issued a series of regulations that, on the one hand, prevent students from engaging in the so-called “referendum on class strikes”. At the same time, they also allow relevant students to reflect on the impact of their actions on society and others, rebuild positive values, and re-enter school life.

  According to Hong Kong's Toutiao Daily, the Hong Kong Education Bureau issued a notice on the 16th with the theme "Caring for students and returning to the right track" to all secondary schools in Hong Kong, requiring schools to help them build positive attitudes towards "students whose behavior and even values ​​deviate" Thinking, good character and behavior, if students are arrested or charged, the school must develop a personalized long-term training plan for them and liaise closely with parents, including assisting them to reflect on the impact of behavior on themselves and others and re-establish Positive values, etc., suggest that schools can make good use of the "Community Support Service Plan" provided by the Social Welfare Department for correcting the disciplinary actions and violations of the arrested youths received by the Superintendent of Police. Since the judicial process of individual illegal cases has not been completed, the Education Bureau reminds schools to consider whether to influence the judicial process when formulating supportive action plans. Conduct training, establish correct values, empathy, respect for others, and law-abiding awareness; at the same time, try to adopt positive methods, take into account students' self-esteem, individual differences and health conditions, and help them deal with emotions and understand events.

  The education department also requires the school to submit a "School Follow-up Support Plan for Sustained Social Events" in the form of a table by the end of September, listing various plans or related measures that have been implemented, including reviewing crisis management procedures and response methods, and teaching students Correct use of social media, distinguish between true and false information, strengthen teachers' emotional support and adjustment training, etc.

  He Yufen, vice-chairman of the Tutors Association and principal of the secondary school, believes that the personalized long-term training program should not use the paternalistic "I teach you to listen", and it is more appropriate to maintain rational communication with students in the role of peers, so that they can distinguish right from wrong.

  Hong Kong's "01" website quoted police data that from June 2019 to May 31, 2020, the police arrested a total of 8986 people in the "revision storm", of which 3666 were students, and 1609 minors under the age of 18 People, the youngest is only 11 years old; 280 people have been prosecuted, and another 15 teenagers have been released after being supervised by the superintendent.

  As the National People's Congress passed Hong Kong-related national security legislation, Hong Kong has also intensified its management of students. In response to the Hong Kong opposition encouraging middle school students to initiate a referendum on strike, the Secretary for Education Yang Runxiong sent a letter to the principals of primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong on the 10th, strongly condemning the use of students' interests and future bargaining chips for political purposes. The letter stated that the so-called referendum has neither a constitutional basis nor legal effect. Schools should not allow students to participate in these meaningless activities, nor should they allow any kind of strikes. Yang Runxiong asked the school to remind students not to use the school as a venue for expressing political demands, and to discourage students from singing songs with political information.

  With regard to teachers, the Education Bureau requires all newly recruited, current, and promoted teachers in primary and secondary schools to accept a specified number of hours of "Teacher Professional Roles, Values, and Ethics" courses from the next school year, which includes reference to teacher professional standards, teacher professional ethics and guidance The former includes understanding the spirit of the Basic Law and respecting the rule of law as the core value of Hong Kong. Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue urged the community to condemn the referendum on strike on the 15th, saying that the recent political invasion of the campus is a cause for concern. People with ulterior motives use certain activities or behaviors to indoctrinate students, spreading hostility to the state and government, and even encouraging them to openly Act to advocate "Hong Kong independence" and try the law by example. She emphasized that the SAR Government is not a spectator on the issue of education.

  Hong Kong media noticed that there was a music teacher from Xiangdao Middle School in Kowloon Tong who had not been renewed by the school because it did not prevent students from playing political songs during the exam. The school issued a statement emphasizing that the school is a traditional patriotic school. The school management committee has always carefully handled the renewal of teachers in accordance with established procedures. One of the considerations is whether it can implement the school's philosophy of running schools. At the Polytechnic University, which was occupied by radical demonstrators last year and the campus was almost ruined, some students erected the so-called "valorous demonstrators" statues on the 12th and put black flags on the campus, which seemed to have follow-up actions. For half a year ago, most of the schools would swallow their voices and did not dare to touch them, but this time they removed the statue without saying anything, on the grounds that the move was not approved by the school and did not meet the regulations.

  "Strict governance by rules is a good way to control chaos," Hong Kong's "Sing Tao Daily" published an editorial on this topic, saying that recently the Civil Service Bureau Director Nie Dequan strictly enforced the "Civil Service Code" and did not allow some civil servants to engage in arbitrary political actions. Yang Runxiong, director of the Education Bureau, also indicated to the school that "teachers and students should not participate in the strike." "All of these have shown that the authorities are determined to reform norms and restore order. This is an important step from disorder to governance." The article said that in the past year, some students were encouraged to take to the streets to participate in violent actions. However, in order to avoid pressure, the school often adopted a flexible attitude and did not want to strictly enforce the school rules. As a result, many students were caught in a radical frenzy and could not extricate themselves. Only by running schools can more students be victimized", which is a great thing for students, teachers and parents.