Kirill Serebrennikov is working on a dramatic mini-series about the life of the Soviet director Andrei Tarkovsky. According to Variety, Serebrennikov will become both a screenwriter and director of the film, and the project will be produced by Ilya Stewart, Murad Osmann and Pavel Burya. They represent the film company Hype Film.

“Andrei Tarkovsky and his masterpieces had a huge impact on world cinema. To this day, they remain an inexhaustible source of inspiration for filmmakers of all generations, ”said Stuart.

Previously, Hype Film was engaged in the production of Serebrennikov’s tapes “Summer” and “Pupil”. In addition, under the auspices of the company will be released the picture "Petrov in the flu" - currently it is at the post-production stage. The release date of the film has not yet been announced, before the coronavirus pandemic, the premiere was scheduled for 2020.

  • Producer Ilya Stewart
  • RIA News
  • © Ekaterina Chesnokova

For both the director and the studio, the Tarkovsky film will be the first experience of a multi-part drama. Ilya Stewart believes that this material is ideal for launching a new direction. The producer also spoke about plans to promote the film in foreign venues.

“We look forward to working with global broadcasters and producers during the Marché du Film virtual movie market,” he said.

The film about Tarkovsky is not the only major project of the film company: today at various stages of development there are several tapes intended for display on international streaming platforms. Details will become known in the coming months, however, all projects are closely linked to Russia.

“We are pleased to see that the audience was hungry for projects about Russia with its rich and extensive history,” Stewart emphasized.

Tarkovsky in the cinema

The life and work of Andrei Tarkovsky interested and inspired the creation of films by many directors. To date, more than 15 documentaries about Tarkovsky have been shot.

The Italian director Donatella Ballivo released the trilogy in 1984 - “Cinema is a mosaic made up of time”, “Andrei Tarkovsky in“ Nostalgia ”and“ Film Poet: Andrei Tarkovsky ”. The paintings included performances by Andrei Tarkovsky in front of the audience, as well as shots from the filming of his films.

  • Film director Andrei Tarkovsky during the filming of the film "Andrei Rublev"
  • RIA News

In one of the parts of the Moscow Elegia cycle, Alexander Sokurov focused on the story of the life of Andrei Tarkovsky, consciously abandoning the attempt to embrace all of his work. He admitted that he first chose “the creation of a special human intonation to the memory and personality of Tarkovsky” as his task.

“We wanted to dispose of the material kindly, carefully, kindly. We did not seek to cover all aspects of Tarkovsky’s life and work. We are only talking about what was left at home and what happened during those years in the West, where Tarkovsky was forced to work, ”said Alexander Sokurov.

Such directors as Mikhal Leshchilovsky ("Director: Andrei Tarkovsky"), Denis Trofimov ("Sacrifices of Andrei Tarkovsky"), Alexey Naydenov ("Andrei Tarkovsky. Remembering") also talked about Tarkovsky’s life. In addition, several films were shot on the shooting of individual Tarkovsky’s paintings: “Three Andrei” by Dina Musatova, “On the set of“ Andrei Rublev ”by Gleb Panfilov,“ On the set of “Sacrifice” by Jeremy Isaacs, “Rerberg and Tarkovsky: The Back of“ Stalker ” Igor Mayborody.