On Sunday, the 45th president of the United States turned 74 years old. The country run by Donald Trump for three and a half years has celebrated the president’s birthday with new protests, festivities in the form of demonstrations, desecration of monuments to historical figures, fires and pogroms. Towards the end of last week, the unrest that swept the country predictably began to run out of steam. But on Friday night, an incident occurred in Atlanta - and the almost extinguished flame of revolutionary anger flared up with renewed vigor.

In Atlanta, the following happened. 27-year-old black Reishard Brooks fell asleep in his car, blocking the road to Wend's fast-food chain restaurant. A policeman named Garrett Rolfe came up to him and knocked on the glass of the car and woke him up. For a while, they talked quite peacefully, while Brooks did not behave quite adequately (did not understand which city he was in), but also not aggressively (“I know that you are just doing your job,” he told Rolf). However, after his partner Devin Brosnan came to the aid of Rolf, something jumped through Brooks's head. The police let him breathe into the tube, and it turned out that Brooks was very drunk. Then the law enforcement officers tried to handcuff him, but Brooks began to resist, grabbed a stun gun from Brosnan and ran. At some point, he turned around, pointing the shocker at the police, and then Rolfe shot him three times.

Everyone knows that even a toy water gun cannot be pointed at American police. They say that during arrest you can scold the police with whatever you like and you won’t be anything for it, but, say, keeping your hands in your pockets if the law enforcement officer ordered you to pick them up is already deadly. And to threaten police with weapons, even if not lethal, is generally true suicide.

In general, Rolfe did everything, if not according to the law, then according to custom. And, if this had happened before the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the unrest that followed, it is likely that Brooks's death would have gone unnoticed. But not now in a country that has been boiling for almost three weeks, like a kettle forgotten on a stove.

On Saturday, Atlanta was surrounded by a wave of protests - they began as peaceful demonstrations, but according to an already worked out scheme, they quickly grew into pogroms and a bacchanal of violence. In the meantime, the protesters burned Wendy's restaurant, near which Brooks dozed off at the wrong time. Some piquancy of the situation is given by the fact that the Wendy's fast food chain sponsored the Black Lives Matter movement, which it proudly announced on its website.

The Atlanta police, which, as far as they could, tried to fight the thugs and even managed to arrest 36 people, found themselves under the hurricane fire of liberal criticism. The media screamed about another “reprisal against the African American,” and the Brooks family lawyer said that he was killed only because he was black: “You can’t say that the stun gun is a non-lethal weapon, because when an African American grabs him and runs away with him, it immediately becomes lethal, because of which it is necessary to release a clip into a person. ”

Garrett Rolfe was immediately fired, his partner Brosnan was removed from work, and Atlanta police chief Eric Shields resigned.

At the same time, on the other side of the country, in California, a scandal erupted over another young black man, Robert Fuller, whose corpse was found near the city hall of Palmdale hanging on a tree branch. Police qualified his death as suicide, but during a press conference a huge crowd gathered at the sheriff's office, demanding a thorough investigation into Fuller’s death. In social networks, police officers are accused of trying to hide evidence and generally oust the killers: African-Americans are convinced that Fuller lynched the Ku Klux Klan, which is supposedly very active in Palmdale.

Not far from sunny California, in Las Vegas, Nevada, doctors have been fighting for the life of policeman Shay Mikalonis for two weeks, in which a certain Edgar Samaniego shot at a riot in the streets of the city (a 20-year-old Latin American, a criminal who was previously involved in drug possession ) Micalonis is connected to an artificial respiration apparatus and, apparently, will remain paralyzed for life. But, with the exception of a few notes in the local press, the American liberal media do not show any interest in the fate of Mikalonis - he is white, and he works in the "Trump fascist police."

Is it any wonder then that the police, who just recently considered themselves the pillar of law and order in the country, are increasingly disappointed in the society that they are obliged to guard and which betrays them so openly?

In South Florida, eight officers and two sergeants withdrew from the SWAT Special Forces team in a statement: “The risk of fulfilling our duties in this capacity is no longer acceptable to us and our families.” The officers emphasized that local officials are “contemptuous” of the unit, and special forces equipment leaves much to be desired.

In Minneapolis, where the current riots began, seven officers resigned from the police department. Seven more are "in the process of resignation."

At the same time, the department’s leadership is trying to pretend that nothing out of the ordinary happens. “People quit their jobs for a variety of reasons. The Minneapolis Police Department is no exception. We did not notice any signs indicating that the cessation of work by these employees could affect public safety, ”the statement said to a local radio station. However, as the Minneapolis Star Tribune writes in an extremely politically correct manner, “some officers told the newspaper that they were upset by the decision of Mayor Jacob Frey,” who ordered the police station to be left during the protests two weeks ago.

The future of the Minneapolis police department itself is vague: last week the city council unanimously adopted a resolution stating the need to “disband the city police department” and replace it with a “new model of cultivating security,” but no one knows what lies behind these beautiful words, and Mayor Frey, despite all his liberalism, repeatedly repeated that he would never sign such a resolution. However, the revolutionary fervor of the Minneapolis reformers found support at the very top of the US legislature - the notorious activist of the "Left" detachment in the US Congress Ilkhan Omar said that the police department of Minneapolis "rotted to the very roots", and therefore, it must be dispersed.

Meanwhile, in Seattle, on the West Coast of the United States, the center was captured by "peaceful protesters" and turned into an "autonomous zone of Capitol Hill."

The autonomous zone is formed by "anarchists, antifa members and Black Lives Matter activists." According to the conservative portal Breitbart, "the autonomous zone has published its list of requirements." “Among other things, they demand a reduction in funding for the Seattle police and allow the released funds to review cases of color prisoners, providing prisoners with unlimited voting rights and removing criminal records from marijuana traffickers,” the portal said. In addition, the Seattle revolutionaries are demanding that the sentences of all American black prisoners serving sentences for violent crimes be reviewed by "jurors of the same ethnic group." Another requirement is even grander: all prisoners currently serving sentences should be granted “full and unlimited voting rights” in the state of Washington. If this requirement is met, about 10 thousand prisoners in the state will have the right to vote in elections to municipalities, state authorities, and federal authorities. It is easy to guess that they will not vote at all for Trump and the politicians supporting him.

Donald Trump, we must give him his due, understands well what danger comes from the "autonomous zone". “Does anyone notice how little fake news the Seattle’s capture of the radical left is discussed in fake news media?” He wrote on Twitter on his birthday. - This is done on purpose, because they know what political role weakness and inability play. The mayor and the governor should be ashamed. It’s easy to fix! ”

Seattle’s mayor Jenny Durcan, however, is in no hurry to fix anything: on her Twitter it is clear that she is delighted with what is happening in the city, considers the “autonomous zone” a new Woodstock with the heady atmosphere of a “peaceful street party,” and advises President Trump “ clean your bunker ”and leave Seattle residents alone.

In Trump’s hometown, New York, his birthday was marked by a rally of thousands of Black Trans Lives Matter - a separate wing of the BLM movement that defends the rights of not just black Americans, but black Americans - transgenders.

The immediate reason for the rally was the killing of two black transgender women - Dominic Fells from Philadelphia and Ria Milton from Cincinnati. This time, the police, fortunately, had nothing to do with it - trances died in criminal showdowns, but Trump was naturally blamed for everything. Why? And here is why. Last week, the White House overturned the decision of Trump’s predecessor, a great friend of the LGBT community, B.H. Obama, who defended these people from discrimination in the healthcare system. As the “progressive” media explain, the Obama administration has expanded the definition of gender in the 2016 Health Act beyond biological gender to encompass all gender identities. And on Friday, the Ministry of Health announced (horror!) That the government will return to the interpretation of the word "gender" as "male or female, which is defined by biology."

“The cruelty of Donald trump really knows no bounds!” - responded to this rival of the president from the Democratic Party Sleepy Joe Biden. And angry black transgender people gathered in New York for a rally of protest. Black Trans Lives Matter activist Rachel Willis shouted (shouted?) To the crowd revolutionary slogans: “I believe in my strength! I believe in your strength! I believe in our strength! I believe in black transvlast! ”

These are the “gifts” Donald Trump received from American liberals and progressives on his 74th birthday.

At first glance, such a festive mood can turn sour from such gifts, but not everything is so simple and unambiguous. Not without reason on Sunday, Trump wrote on Twitter: “The silent majority is stronger than ever!”

He expects - and, it must be said, not without reason - that America, which voted for him in 2016, America of the workers of the Rust Belt, farmers of the Midwest, workaholic businessmen, and now America will be again loyal to the police again 2020, because the alternative is now visible even to the blind. This is the criminal anarchy of Seattle’s “autonomous zone”, it’s castrated and bound hand and foot, the police, this is “trans-power”, which is increasingly declaring itself in the country's megacities. And when the time comes to make a choice - and this will happen quite soon, November 3 - the current liberal bacchanalia will play, rather, into Trump's hand.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.