New research provided evidence that reassures hundreds of millions of people with high blood pressure that the famous drugs to treat the disease do not increase the risk of contracting the Corona virus, contrary to what some experts feared.

Two classes of antihypertensive drugs, "angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors" and "angiotensin II receptor blockers," have been scrutinized after last April's announcement by the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that 72 percent of people with Covid-19 disease in hospitals are five years old. Sixty and more, suffer from high blood pressure.

It is believed that these drugs stimulate activity located in the same biological pathways that the Corona virus uses to attack the lungs.

This prompted Oxford University experts to recommend that patients discontinue medications until the risks were better determined, while other experts advised patients to continue treatment.

And a new study, whose results announced on Friday, concluded that there are no greater risks, whether related to injury or having to enter a hospital for treatment of Covid-19, as a result of the use of drugs from the two categories mentioned, compared to other blood pressure drugs.

The authors of the study advised patients with high blood pressure not to stop treatment in order to avoid infection with the virus, which infected more than 7.5 million people around the world and killed more than 420 thousand.

"Our findings are completely reassuring. Relying on (two-class drugs)" angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and "angiotensin II receptor blockers" said completely as the other first-line drug intended for the treatment of stress. Blood in relation to the risk of Covid-19 infection.