Stanley Greene, shoots on the board

Audio 48:30

Detail of the cover of the comic strip "Stanley Greene", by Jean-David Morvan and Tristan Fillaire. Credits: Delcourt editions

By: Jean-François Cadet Follow

Jean-David Morvan and Tristan Fillaire tell the life of the great American photo-reporter Stanley Greene in a comic strip.


Unquestionably, Stanley Greene was one of the great photoreporters of the 90s and the beginning of the 20th century. He is however little known to the general public, even if he has won the prestigious World Press Prize five times, and co-founded the agency Noor.

A character apart who has been close to death and burned his life at all ends. A man of rage and courage, a man of women too. A superb character from a novel or a comic strip with his beret or black cap that he has wandered in Chechnya, Mauritania, Sudan, Moscow, Rwanda, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iraq, or New- Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, not forgetting the Berlin of the fall of the Wall.

Each time, Stanley Grreene was there, with his camera to witness the upheavals of the world, often of the war and its horrors. An extraordinary and singularly romantic trajectory, that of a free man told to us by the scriptwriter Jean-David Morvan and the designer Tristan Fillaire. " Stanley Greene, a living life " was published by Delcourt.

Déconficulture chronicle : Fanny Bleichner invites us to a special cinema screening in Caen, in Normandy. The “Le Lux” cinema offers drive-in sessions from your car. The opportunity to test this trend straight from the United States, guaranteed without health risk.

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