Criminal accusations of tax evasion for "Marusa" Minimal total number of undeclared cases increased 17:11 on June 11

The tax evasion that the inspection department of the national tax bureau nationwide, so-called "Marusa", caught in the last year for "non-declaration" not to declare income was the most frequent in the past five years, while the total tax evasion is over 9.2 billion yen And since I started counting, it has become the smallest.

According to the National Tax Agency, the inspection departments of the national tax bureaus nationwide reported 116 cases of tax evasion in the last year, and the total amount of tax evasion was about 9,276 million yen, a decrease of 1.9 billion yen from the previous year.

This is the smallest amount since 1972 when we started counting.

By content, “non-declaration” that does not declare income is regarded as malicious and efforts are being made to detect it, which is the most 27 cases in the past five years.

In addition, there were 25 “international cases” such as misuse of overseas transactions and concealment of funds overseas, an increase of 5 cases from the previous year.

It was also announced how the funds were hidden, and in a case caught by the Osaka National Taxation Bureau, a hidden door was made in a Japanese wardrobe, and more than 41 million yen of cash was found in it, and Tokyo In the case of the National Tax Service, more than 140 million yen in cash was found in a suitcase hidden in a rental storage space.

Hironori Terada, Director of the Inspection Division of the National Tax Agency, said, “The investigation is becoming more and more difficult due to the internationalization of the economy and the evolution of information and communication technology. In the future, in addition to the necessity and urgency of investigation, the spread of new coronavirus infection It is our policy to conduct surveys with due consideration."