After months of precautionary measures taken by the state to confront the epidemic of "Covid 19", the society started, with precise instructions from the competent authorities, to return to work and practice daily affairs gradually and deliberately, which means moving towards a new stage of disease control and overcoming the challenges it imposes on various aspects of life.

This return does not reflect the disappearance of the virus or the disappearance of danger, but rather the ability of human beings to devise new and creative ways of living, which reduces the possibility of infection with the virus to the minimum and preserves the natural cycle at the same time, and here comes our role as media people in directing the public towards victory over the epidemic and not Living with it, and towards establishing awareness and attention to all the details of our lives, even those small ones that we think for a moment are not important.

The decision to return to daily activity is in fact a bet on individual and group awareness and a belief in the ability of human beings to constantly improve their forms and lifestyles, this ability which they demonstrated efficiently in their crucial historical stations, when they triumphed over their challenges and developed their practices and tools until we reached this stage of progress, progress and scientific inventions.

God distinguished man from other living beings by his creativity. At a time when animals adapted to the cold, heat and drought, man reached home building and discovered heating and cooling methods, building roads, riding the sea and harnessing wind and fire energy to meet his needs. When he suffered in the past from epidemics And diseases, invest in science and knowledge and discover treatments and vaccines so that life continues to evolve from generation to generation.

This human creativity was evident in the embargo and the commitment of homes, our distance and our closeness in feelings, sympathy and cooperation. People stayed in their homes, and they were stressed all the time for their job and social duties. The burdens increased on some, so they found someone who shares their concerns with them and works to meet their needs through individual and institutional initiatives, and this all carried an important signal that the exit from this emergency situation begins with a victory of awareness over the conditions, and the individual and collective morals outperform the challenges of the stage.

In spite of the awareness, commitment, and individual and collective responsibility of all components of the Emirati society during the crisis, the return to work and normalcy constitutes a sensitive and very delicate shift, which requires everyone not only to adhere to the directions of the official authorities, but to translate them into all creative, creative and behavioral practices and behaviors and attitudes. Our role as media professionals is to guide the public on its path towards overcoming the crisis at the lowest costs, through a regular and continuous discussion of all behaviors and practices to identify gaps and try to bridge them in a practical and wise manner, and to discover new alternatives to the old traditional patterns of practices that are no longer appropriate now, along with providing Healing answers to questions that may be of concern to the public at this stage.

Victory, not coexistence, is the title of our strategy for the next stage, and the success of this strategy is not related to official decisions only, but to the awareness of each individual and his awareness that we are in a battle that does not tolerate inaction or neglect, and that the most important weapon we have in this battle is partnership in the awareness itself, so we think together and decide together And we win together.

Chairman of Sharjah Media Council