I once read an article in a local newspaper, in which the writer points to a set of factors and criteria contributing to the success and continuity of small projects, as among those factors that the author of the article touched upon was "the confidence of the old customer".

Many entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs may neglect this element and forget that the old customer has a pivotal and important role in forming the mental image of the institution with the general public, which is the line of communication between the institution and its new and potential clients, always as an employer tried to build that strong bridge between you and your customer even If there is no interest with him, urge your team to build that bridge and leave the interest for time.

Take it as a base .. the customer, before or after dealing with you, has dealt with many of your competitors in the same field and has a database of data about the service you provide to him, and accordingly he selects the appropriate one for him according to what meets his desires, but the essential rule that he focuses on remains Completing his transaction is the way the company deals with him, his reputation in the market and the extent of its credibility, and here begins a series of research and questioning about clients who have previously dealt with him to make sure of that. Perhaps it may be late and take a long time to return to you, but he will definitely return to you one day and will contact you as you have gained his confidence and you are honest with him.

Here we can say that there are two main factors to gain the trust of clients' honesty and integrity in dealing in word and deed. Some facts may be harmful to your service or product, but it will not harm your reputation and your company’s reputation but rather increase it. As I write this phrase, I have a scene for a business team and the owner of a Japanese company that appears in them They apologize to the customers of their company for raising the price of their product for the first time in 25 years, they did not offer their apology for not being aware of the importance of this in enhancing customer confidence in the company and its continuity.

Today we are listening to councils talk more and build the image of others from councils ’talk, and from councils the reputation of individuals and projects is transmitted, then social media websites do not use their users to vilify or praise a service and product openly, and between councils and social media sites highlights the old customer’s role in creating The corporate image of potential clients.

In short, the real capital of companies and institutions is the customer, if the customer praises you, your success increases, and if the customer presents you, then you and your company and your product are in danger, and the old customer is the bridge that will connect you to the group of new customers, so always try not to be your relationship with the customer just a passing relationship or an interest relationship that stops at Specific line.

This relationship may take time to build from you, but what is certain is that the more successful this relationship contributes to achieving your company's long-term goals.

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"The customer is the real capital of companies, and the old customer is the bridge that will connect you to new customers."