Last year's "total fertility rate" 1.36 4th consecutive year-on-year decrease June 5 15:33

The fertility rate last year, which is an indicator of the number of children a woman has, was 1.36, the fourth consecutive year of decline from the previous year.

On the other hand, the number of deaths minus the number of children born has reached a record high for the 12th consecutive year, and the population is declining.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the "total fertility rate," which is an index of the number of children a woman has in her lifetime, was 1.36 last year, down 0.06 points from the previous year.
It is the fourth consecutive year that the birth rate has fallen below the previous year.

In the highest it was the By prefecture,
▽ in Okinawa 1.82,
▽ Miyazaki is 1.73,
▽ Shimane was a 1.68.

On the other hand, the lowest was
▽ Tokyo at 1.15,
▽ Miyagi at 1.23,
▽ Hokkaido at 1.24, and so on.

In addition, the number of births last year was 53,166 fewer than the previous year, and it was 685,234, the smallest since we started collecting statistics (Meiji 32).

On the other hand, the number of deaths was 1,381,098, an increase of 18,628 from the previous year, the highest number since the war.

As a result, the number of deaths minus the number of births was 515,864, the highest number in history for the 12th consecutive year, and population decline is accelerating.

In addition, the number of men and women married in the last year increased for the first time in 7 years to 598,965.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said, “The number of births is affected by the number of marriages. It seems that this has led to a decrease in the number of children. The background of the declining birthrate is the financial burden of raising children and the difficulty of balancing work with work, so we would like to eliminate such problems one by one."