In an attempt to counter American and Chinese supremacy in the field, France and Germany are teaming up to create "Gaia-x", a European cloud. An answer to the sovereignty and competition problems posed by foreign competitors. 

French and Germans kick off a European "cloud". The cloud ("cloud" in English), these are these computer servers where all internet data are housed? 

Exactly, whether you are an SME, a giant of the Cac 40, a hospital, an individual, all your digital data (emails, photos, Word document ...), all this information is housed in servers, what is called the cloud . And these servers belong almost exclusively to the American giant: Amazon, Google, Microsoft, or even the Chinese Alibaba.

This obviously poses a problem of sovereignty. Especially in the United States, there is what is called, the "Cloud Act". That is to say that an American judge can go and search your data, without your consent and without your knowing it. And then there is a competition problem. Because once a company has signed with (Amazon for example to manage its data), it is very complicated then to change operators, because the data is not compatible with each other. 

And so, faced with this, Bruno Le Maire and his German counterpart Peter Altmaïer launch "Gaia-X". What's this ? A European "cloud"? 

In fact, it is a European response. It is a platform that will offer all Europeans in the cloud. But beware, to be referenced on this platform, there are two requirements. The first is the portability of data, to be able to easily change operators, no longer be trapped (as we just said). The second is transparency. Your cloud should clearly say whether or not it is subject to the US "Cloud Act". So whether or not your data is actually protected.

We will now see the success of this European platform Gaia, which is already supported by all the major players in the French and German telecoms industries. But, we see well after the Airbus batteries, after the Merkel-Macron recovery plan, that we are witnessing the awakening of the Franco-German. With one objective: to give birth to a European alternative, in a world increasingly dominated by the China-America couple.