A gendarmerie office. (illustration) - DAMIEN MEYER / AFP

Two associations ask the administrative justice to cancel the creation of GendNote, a controversial note-taking application for the gendarmes whose dangers they denounce for the citizens. GendNote works on the gendarmes' professional smartphones and tablets, and is intended to replace the traditional handwritten note book used in the field for gathering information.

But unlike the notebook, GendNote "is nested with many other existing software," say the two associations, the Internet Society France which defends the rights of Internet users, and HES (Homosexuality and socialism) which defends those of people. LGBT. The application will therefore be able to "suck up all the data relating to individuals, including religion, sexual orientation, political opinions, race or supposed ethnicity", which could be entered in the notes of the gendarmes , they added.

The CNIL already seized

The two associations filed an appeal Tuesday with the State Council against the decree of February 20, creating the file. In addition to the presence in the application of sensitive data, the two associations also denounce the fact that the information contained in GendNote can in certain cases be transmitted to the prefectural authority or to mayors.

During the controversy that followed the publication of the decree establishing GendNote, the gendarmerie had argued that this decree had been submitted to the Cnil, the guardian of the individual freedoms of the French in the face of computer files and processing. It had also indicated that the recording of sensitive data in the free fields of GendNote was only provided "in case of absolute necessity" and "within the limits of the mission for which it is collected".

By the Web

Sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religion… Does the new application of the gendarmes infringe on private life?


Names, addresses, dates of birth: Data from 130,000 gendarmes available after a security breach

  • File
  • Private life
  • Mobile app
  • Application
  • Society
  • Gendarmerie