Professor Didier Raoult, infectious disease specialist and director of the IHU in Marseille, defends the efficacy of chloroquine against the coronavirus. - GERARD JULIEN / AFP

New tackle from Didier Raoult. In his weekly video post posted on his YouTube channel, the professor from Marseille, director of the IHU, again strongly criticized the study published by The Lancet which contradicts his conclusions on the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat the coronavirus. "The LancetGate is such a comical symptom that, in the end, it looks like" nickel-plated feet do science ". This is not reasonnable. "

Study published May 22 in scientific journal The Lancet concludes that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), derived from the antimalarial chloroquine, is not effective against Covid-19 and that it even increases the risk of death and cardiac arrhythmia. Its methodology, however, has been called into question by part of the scientific community, as had the methodologies of previous studies praising its effectiveness. The study pushed many countries to stop using the molecule, foremost among them France.


Coronavirus: Scientists doubt The Lancet study on chloroquine


Coronavirus: Is the study on hydroxychloroquine "messy", as Professor Didier Raoult said?

  • Marseille
  • study
  • Coronavirus
  • Didier raoult