SNS's measures against slander damage Yahoo offers identification technology to other companies June 19 19:02

Yahoo, a major IT company, announced that it will provide other companies with its own technology to identify inappropriate posts on the Internet using AI = artificial intelligence while a blunder and slander on SNS become a problem. I chose The aim is to strengthen measures for the entire industry.

Last month, a professional wrestler woman who appeared on a commercial program died in a series of posting defamatory deficit on SNS, and defensiveness and defamation on the net are a big problem.

In response, Yahoo has announced its policy to provide its own technology for identifying inappropriate posts using AI to other companies that operate SNS in the future. The aim is to strengthen measures throughout the industry.

In addition, in order to discuss such issues on the law surrounding such as the deletion of the post, is that the provision of the study group a collection of experts to the prospect of this month.

According to Yahoo, there are about 290,000 posts a day on the news site it operates, and about 20,000 of these posts are deleted using AI.

In this issue, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications experts' meeting will facilitate the process of the "Provider Liability Limitation Act" mechanism that allows people who have been hurt or defamed online to request information disclosure of anonymously posted people. We are considering a review to do so.