Xinhua, Taizhou, May 31 (Reporter Pan Qinwen Correspondent Chen Yi) At present, frauds on the Internet are common and fraudulent in various ways. Chen, a 26-year-old girl from Jiaojiang District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, accidentally "dropped the pit" recently and was defrauded of more than 500,000 yuan in just 5 hours.

  A few days ago, Xiao Chen took a mobile phone through an APP software and saw an advertisement for swiping bills. She dreamed of getting rich and added the other party's WeChat. After inquiring about the transaction, Xiao Chen downloaded a mobile app called "Kang Tai Bao", and followed the instructions of the other party, registered a personal account, and bound a bank card. The other party indicated that they would first pick up the task on the APP platform, and after the task was completed, they would be able to earn income. According to the size of each single task, 1.8% was taken as the task income.

Xiao Chen's record of grabbing orders. Photo courtesy of Taizhou Police

  The other party also emphasized that this is not a billing process. It is to help merchants to increase sales through the platform. It is necessary to deposit a certain amount of funds for the task on the registered platform. The task is distributed through the merchant and distributed in the form of system matching. , The corresponding task money will be returned to the collection account in full.

  With the mentality of giving it a try, Xiao Chen recharged 500 yuan and started the first order. She snapped up headphones, stereos, pants and other commodities. Within 5 minutes, the principal and earnings were returned to her account. Xiao Chen, who had tasted the sweetness, began to look forward to the "new mission", but this time the mission was upgraded. She brushed a 20,000 list and the money was quickly returned to her account.

  At this time, Xiao Chen saw the platform announcement that recharging 100,000 profitable commissions per order was 2.5%. She wanted to continue this way. As long as she worked hard to swipe the order, she could earn thousands or even 10,000 yuan per day. Xiao Chen, who was overwhelmed by huge profits, recharged the platform account with a bank card of 100,000 yuan. This time she received a 50,000 large order. When she was worried about whether the money could be returned, she saw the money as usual It was returned to the account.

The chat record of Xiao Chen and the liar. Photo courtesy of Taizhou Police

  Subsequently, Xiao Chen continued to place an order, which was a large order of 160,000. As soon as she saw that the platform account balance became more than negative 50,000, she recharged 60,000 and accepted the large order. However, after the money was transferred to the other party's account, the principal and commission were not recovered. Ask the customer service, and the other party said that she had to complete three orders before returning the money. So far, Xiao Chen had to continue to pay the bill. She successively brushed a 100,000 and a 240,000 order, but the money was not returned. The customer service said that the system has timed out and needs to continue to replenish a single order to return the money. .

  At 6 o'clock that night, Xiao Chen, who realized that he had been deceived, called the police station of the police station of Jiaojiang Branch of the Taizhou Public Security Bureau. Currently, the case is under further investigation.

  The police reminded not to believe in the "high commission", "advance payment" and other part-time billing information on the Internet, don't be fooled by the high remuneration; do not easily click or scan the web links and QR codes sent by strangers Good personal information; if unfortunately cheated, please keep chat records and transfer records, promptly go to the public security organ or dial 110 to report the case. Do n’t take the chance to believe the cheater ’s refund promise to avoid a series of scams and expand losses. (Finish)