What is the truth about the death of a car crash in Geumdo Island?

The SBS 'I Want to Know' broadcast on the 30th highlighted the car crash of Geumo-do with the subtitle of 'The tragedy of Yeosu night sea-Geumdo-do vehicle crash death'.

Sad news of the first day of 2019 was reported. The wife died in a car crash among a middle-aged couple who had only been married for more than 20 days.

His deceased wife, Kim, and her husband, headed to Geumo-do, Yeosu to watch the sunrise. However, the excitement and happiness of the car for a moment crashed into the sea and drowned without getting out of the car. Her husband, Park, used rescue efforts to rescue his wife and even asked for help, but she could not save her.

However, when the vehicle was lifted, the crash of the vehicle turned into an accident rather than an accident. The wife Kim, who was found in the vehicle, was naked, the rear window of the vehicle was about 7cm wide, and the gear of the vehicle was neutral.

And his wife Kim's death benefit amounted to a whopping 1.7 billion, and all the beneficiaries of this insurance were her husband, Park.

In response, the trial court sentenced the murder of her husband Park in September 2019 and sentenced him to imprisonment. However, Park insisted on her innocence. He argued that a car crash occurred while having a marital relationship in the car, and that there was no circumstance, so he left the vehicle in a neutral gear. And he said that the car crashed without ever stopping the car and that he did his best to rescue him.

And Mr. Park and the lawyers conducted an experiment with the same vehicle as the accident vehicle at the incident site, and concluded that in the neutral gear, the driver's seat could lead to a vehicle crash when the vehicle leaves the vehicle. Accordingly, the court of the second instance sentenced the prison to three years in prison for negligence.

The judiciary judged the play and the play in one case. Accordingly, the broadcast began tracking the truth of the day.

Park and Kim met as guests and staff at a restaurant. Kim, who had a bad relationship with her ex-husband at the time, fell in love with Park and even divorced. And four days after divorce, he filed a marriage report with Park.

Mr. Kim's son was happy about Park, saying, "It's been a few months, but he treated me like a real son, and he was really good at my mom. I made a family group chat room and communicated. I could tell by looking at his mother's expression. I recalled my mother.

In addition, Mr. Kim's daughter said, "I didn't believe my mother's death. Even in the evening, I talked to my mother. He said he was going to see the sunrise with his uncle."

However, on the day of the accident, they began to have doubts about their stepfather by watching CCTV footage near the incident. "I am so angry that I acted so casually because I didn't think it was intentional," she said.

The CCTV was installed in the middle of going to the store where I went to make a rescue request from the dock. Park, who was caught in this, looked at the scene leisurely and was walking as if nothing had happened. It was an incomprehensible behavior when the wife was drowning.

Also, everyone who knows Park said he couldn't believe the claim that he left the car for neutral gear. His acquaintances said to Park, "I'm a driving veteran who has driven a large license to a trailer and even a wrecker. I can't believe I'll let go of neutral gear, no matter how embarrassing."

And Mr. Kim's sister explained, "I have never seen her cry during a funeral," and "and I knew that the next day after the funeral, the insurance amount was over 1 billion."

Over 1.7 billion insured deaths have been investigated by insurance companies. An official from an insurance company said, "It was really short before I first met my plan and I died. I think this was a plan and moved. I think insurance, no double insurance, and all the beneficiaries will change to themselves, and everything is planned."

However, Park's lawyers said everything was due to prejudice. Park said that all that was headed to Geumdo Island was what Kim wanted, not Park.

According to Mr. Park, Kim said that he would like to have a marital relationship in a special place for the New Year and go to Geumo-do, Yeosu. He also said that he found the night dock and said that he wanted to spend his time alone in a secret place.

He also insisted that if this was Park's plan, it would not be too far into the future, and that it would only be possible if a highly sophisticated plan was made. Also, it was explained that only the moment when Mr. Park, who was tired of struggling with rescue activities, took a moment to take a breath.

In addition, Park's lawyers insisted that Mr. Park almost lost his life during the rescue. He said that it was an addictive behavior that the rear seat window was open, and that smoking after an accident was shivering in the cold and breathing.

The production team reproduced the situation at the time and confirmed that Park's testimony was true. As a result of the experiment, it was found that there was enough time to check the body movement and to do so until the driver in the rear bumper got into the driver's seat and applied the brakes.

Even in the video provided by the lawyer earlier, the car seemed to have had enough time to move slowly enough to make it.

At the time of the accident, his wife, Kim, called 119 to the rescue in the vehicle. And at that time, Kim had no mention of having a husband around him. In response, experts analyzed that "no mention of the accused means no accused".

At the time, Park appeared on CCTV one minute after his wife reported. This means that when the wife was talking to 119, the husband was asking for help.

The expert asked, "If you knew that your wife called 119, you don't have to go to town. If you wait, 119 will come. Why are you heading to town?"

Park said he was involved in rescue operations before passing through CCTV. Based on Park's claims and various circumstances, the vehicle was estimated to have crashed long before his wife reported it. Park's lawyers insisted that what went past CCTV was about 7 or 8 minutes after the accident, and claimed to have been carrying out rescue activities for about 3 or 4 minutes.

Then, how long can a crashed vehicle float on the water? The crew reproduced the accident at the same time as the day of the incident.

As a result of the experiment, three minutes after the vehicle crashed into the sea, the water suddenly entered quickly, and after 4 minutes, the front seat was locked and water quickly began to rise to the rear seat. And it was only 5 minutes and 4 seconds after the vehicle fell into the sea that the vehicle was completely submerged.

Then, the moment the car fell into the water, the windshield was damaged by the impact, and the trunk opened by itself. This was a typical phenomenon when submerged in water.

The expert said, "It is very likely that the wife made a request to rescue 119 immediately after the vehicle fell into the water." The last call the victim made to 119 can be seen as the last testament and legacy left by the victim in the world. It should be noted. "

Kim's son questioned, "Why didn't you do it if you stepped on the brakes, but why didn't you do it? And why did you not rescue when you heard Park was good at swimming?"

The expert also said, "We need to doubt why the wife didn't feel like he was next because he wasn't actively rescued."

The first trial judged Park's motive for the crime and paid attention to the past events he had caused. Mr. Park had a vault with a friend who was a police officer many years ago. In addition, it was revealed that some of the crimes that Park disclosed at the time were related to insurance. At this point, Mr. Park said it was not appropriate to connect past events with the present.

An official from an insurance company to which Mr. Kim, a wife who had reported during the report, joined Park, said to Park, "How much does it cost if you die when you sign up? Why does 100 million come out, 500 million come out elsewhere?" "It made the staff difficult, so I remember the person correctly." In particular, it turned out that Park was before even filing marriage with Kim.

Park has been working on vehicles for a long time. When he first met Mr. Kim, he was working as an insurance agent. In fact, all of Kim's insurance was designed by Park.

According to acquaintances' statement, his wife, Kim, wasn't in the situation for five more insurances at the time. As a result, it was assumed that Kim's excessive insurance coverage was for Park's performance.

An insurance official who looked at Kim's insurance statement said, "It will be intention that we focused on guaranteeing against accidents." However, Park's lawyers explained that this was all to reduce insurance.

However, another insurance official said, "It is too much. The main focus is death insurance. It is very strange to anyone. In general, it is necessary to become a representative of a corporation in order to get the insurance of 1.7 billion won."

There was another suspicious of Mr. Park. After reporting the marriage, Park and Kim changed the beneficiaries of insurance to each other. However, two days after the change, Park changed the beneficiaries of his death benefit back to his brother's name. Kim's insurance beneficiary was himself, but his own was not Kim. In response, Park's lawyers said, "I was really wondering if this person would care for my children. So I changed my name to my brother again."

The trial court heard that the economic situation was not desperate enough to commit a murder for insurance money because it weighed more on negligence than murder.

The expert said, "It seems to have been made with the intention of being a natural negligent person. In the case of a negligent person, I suspect that I am suspicious, but I cannot afford to get insurance money. The intention cannot be easily proved. I'm going to do this.

The reporter, who identified Park as the detention center for the detention center, negatively evaluated Park's character. The reporter said that he had a frequent quarrel at the detention center and changed rooms, Park said. However, he said that he received about 1.7 billion in insurance money, and told him that he would buy a car for his daughter.

The expert added, "If the informant does not have an interest in the case, the evaluation of Mr. Park is notable. It seems useful as a reference."

Kim's older sister mourned her brother, saying, "I was sorry to invest in myself. I met a new love, but I think I'm missing because I do everything I want."

And the son and daughter who lost their mother said, "When I had a mother, there was always a side dish, but when I had nothing in the refrigerator, I didn't want to have a mother when I couldn't eat. I can't even come to a dream. I gave it all from 1 to 10, and I felt so much love that I felt so much empty space. ”

Lastly, the broadcaster said that it would not be easy to judge the case as the trial has not ended.

(SBS funE Hyo-Jung Kim editor)