Rapper Park Jae-beom is angered by the recent blackout in the United States and donated $ 10,000 to a human rights group.

Yesterday (28th) Park Jae-beom, along with a picture of George Pluid, who died from overrepression by the American police on his Instagram, "I am so much inspired by the black culture, and I am very sorry how he felt helpless and treated inhumanly." Posted.

Park Jae-beom said, "The police killed an innocent person and didn't even have sympathy." "The whole system was corrupt, and no one was willing to admit it." He added, "It's hard to even count how long black people have been abused."

On the same day, Park Jae-beom posted a link to a human rights group on his Twitter page with the article "donated 10k ($ 10,000, about 12.4 million won). Let's pray until the day the truth spreads."

The link he posted was the website of an organization that raised funds for the protection of black human rights, and the group also thanked Jae-beom Park for his contributions, saying "Thank you for your contribution."

Meanwhile, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation fired four police officers who participated in the harsh acts after criticism of police overrepression was continued. However, the wave of protests by citizens who were furious about the incident is getting stronger and spreading from Minneapolis, where the incident occurred, to other major cities such as Chicago and Houston.

(Photo = Jaebum Park Instagram, Twitter)