The exposure of children under three years of age to tablets, smartphones and other screens is not recommended by health authorities. - yaoinlove / Getty Images More

Ah, they are more exciting than a wooden toy or a book. Bright, interactive, not to say hypnotic, whether it is a smartphone, a tablet, or family television, the screens exert a certain attraction on the youngest.

And scientists, like specialists in early childhood, agree that they essentially have negative effects on their development. Prolonged regular exposure would cause attention difficulties, sleep disturbances and reduced social ability.

Not all digital are created equal

During the first years of life, "digital and pitchoune, c'est niet", decree the health authorities. By extension, everything that carries a chip or a semblance of electronics suffers from this observation. Our episode of the day will focus on a technological cousin who claims to participate in the development of the child. And to one object in particular: it is the e-gloo This strange mixture ofcabin for stories and connected objects is the heart project of our guest of the day, Marion Voillot.

Author of the thesis “The body at the heart of digital learning for early childhood”, which gave birth to e -gloo , she is also co-founder of the collective “Premier Cris”, whose objective is to do collaborative research on early childhood thanks to digital technology.

Sixth Science partner of the Turfu Festival

Alongside him, we welcome François Millet, co-organizer of the Turfu Festival, the annual meeting for participatory research and innovation in Caen. Free event for all audiences in which Marion Voillot will participate, in her capacity as project leader, and in which  Sixième Science  is a partner. Good listening!

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