Maxence Danet-Fauvel is known for his role as Eliott Demaury in the French adaptation of the Norwegian series "Skam". - Thibault GRABHERR

  • France Télévisions is launching this Thursday a series of three spots with the heroes of "Skam France" in order to make young people aware of the importance of barrier gestures.
  • Maxence Danet-Fauvel, who plays Eliott in the series, is part of the cast.
  • He recounts this experience and returns to the evolution of his character in season 6.

How to make young people aware of the importance of barrier gestures in order to limit the spread of Covid-19? France Télévisions is counting on the incredible influence of the heroes of Skam France on young adults. Maxence Danet-Fauvel has portrayed the charismatic Eliott Demaury since season 3 in the hit series from France TV Slash, which is currently broadcasting season 6. The 26-year-old actor participated in one of the three prevention spots that highlight scene the heroes of Skam during the deconfinement and will be broadcast on the public channel as of this Thursday. The actor tells this experience at 20 Minutes and returns to the evolution of his character, one of the most appreciated by fans of the series, in season 6.

Can you tell us about the spots you shot on Tuesday?

Everything was done very quickly! France Télévisions offered to participate in these spots on Friday evening. The idea is to say: "Ok, there is deconfinement, but if we all start doing anything, we will leave for a ride. In these spots, we depict everyday situations of young people like meeting a friend who we haven't seen in a long time or passing a packet of crisps sitting in the grass. The idea is to show that today and until further notice, the rules have changed. You have to respect them to move forward and to end the coronavirus as quickly as possible!

Under what conditions did the shooting take place?

It was very special! The sanitary rules were hyperstrict. Generally, in the truck lodge, we make up three, four or five actors at the same time. There, we had makeup done one by one and, between each actor, the lodge truck was fully disinfected. The actresses brought back their own makeup. The actors were lightly made up with powder. On filming, wearing a mask was compulsory. We all ate at noon respecting the rules of distancing. It was special because the atmosphere on Skam shoots is generally very happy and warm… and there, when we all adore each other very much, we saw each other without being able to cuddle or get caught in arms. But it was cool that filming resumed and adapted because we all want to work.

How did you experience this confinement experience?

I was confined to a 15 m2 apartment in Paris. Mentally, it was a bit complicated because I have worked a lot in recent years without taking a vacation. So I was not used to forcing myself to rest. And we easily go around in circles in 15 m2. So it was a bit hard at first. With the media and the daily announcement of the death toll, it was very worrying. After a while, I said to myself, since you have to cut yourself off from the world, you might as well do it! I stopped my notifications and watch the macabre info in the evening. I focused on rest and took time for myself!

What did you get out of it?

The most redundant thought for me during confinement was "I want to go back to work!" " Containment was a good way to know if you were good at what you were doing and happy in your life. I missed my job and I said to myself, "It's great, the only thing you're thinking about is getting back on track!" Four years ago, I would never have said that to myself. The confinement comforted me in the idea that I wanted to be an actor, that this was what I wanted to do with my life.

What sets did you binger during containment?

I had completely stopped doing it for two years and there I am back! I made myself The Office  ! I have eaten the nine seasons in two weeks! I mated Chernobyl . I made myself the first season of The Handmaid's Tale , five seasons of Vikings and the integral of How I Met Your Mother . I also looked at all the Miyazaki… I hadn't subscribed to anything before and, during confinement, like a month ago for free, I subscribed to everything and I took full advantage of it. 

More conventions, more public screening sessions, how do you keep in touch with the fans?

It is true that it is hard without these events to really realize our impact. Since the start of season 6, I will see on social networks what people say at the end of the episodes. It's cool, it's very positive. But the effervescence of the projections, these little shots of adrenaline before entering the theaters, and these speaking around what the series defends and the battles we are fighting, are missing. These events allow us to communicate more about the series and to be able to help too. With Axel [Auriant, who plays her boyfriend Lucas in the series], we worked a lot with SOS homophobia for example. This allowed us to take action. Without these events, raising funds for associations is very hard. In short, we had a little lack of human feedback on this season!

How do you see the evolution of Eliott in this 6th season?

I loved what I was given to play this season. It's cool, because even if the season is not centered on Eliott and unlike season 3, we discover the character in his environment through the things he likes to do when he is not with Lucas, her boyfriend. It was nice to develop this character apart from being “the guy”. It's nice to see him at the video club, in these little even clandestine evenings urbex at night ... All of this gives depth to this somewhat mysterious character in previous seasons. It's cool to see him evolve alone and to see him take on this big brother role for Lola.

And did you also play this big brother role with Flavie Delangle?

When I met Flavie, there was this thing right away where I told myself that she was like my little sister. She is almost ten years younger than me. This big brother side is a bit innate in me, because I have a little sister in life, and this protective side is very rooted in me. When I was younger, I was a big chicken brother (laughs). With Flavie, it popped direct. On set, it was great, we just had to let this thing go. We didn't even do rehearsals while in season 3, we rehearsed for a month and a half before filming. I was a little skeptical about his young age and I was wrong. When I saw the monster on the set, I said "Ok": she is hypertalentent and nourishing. It is a pleasure to play with her! She is serious and involved. I liked his way of working.

This season is a bit of a torchlight, how did you experience it?

When we shot the scene at the end of season 5 where all the characters join hands facing the wall, there was really something in all of us. All the elders told themselves that they were passing the torch. When I see the new kids in season 6, I tell myself that they are great, we want to be friends with them too much. They are so cool in this new gang: they make the Urbex, they have purple hair and they really look crazy like little Louise Malek, who plays Jo, with her Lacoste tracksuits and her bob. In addition, I am fortunate with Eliott who has an important place in the history of Lola, to be the torch in question. We pass the baton and then they can stand on their own two feet and it will be very cool.

Are you ready to take on the role of big brother of this new generation in other seasons?

Completely! But he hasn't discussed it yet, I haven't been offered anything yet. There are a lot of factors to take into account: will they offer it to me? If so, under what conditions ? With what story?

Do you already have other projects?

I have lots of projects, it's cool. I’m shooting a series for TF1 called Grand Hôtel ,with a great cast: Bruno Solo, Carole Bouquet and Victor Meutelet, a young actor who tears. If possible, we will resume filming in early June, I have seven days to go. I made a film last year for France 2,  Le Diable au Coeur , for which I won a prize for the best male hope at the Festival of television creations in Luchon. He should be out soon. I can't wait to show this to people. I play a role of criminal offender far from that of Skam and myself. It was too fun to shoot. The rest, we'll see. I have no idea how the resumption of castings and filming will be done during the deconfinement.


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"Skam France" allows young people to "escape" and "forget the morbid everyday life" of confinement

  • Series
  • Deconfinement
  • France Televisions
  • Culture
  • Interview
  • Coronavirus
  • Skam