Commenting on the placement of portraits of Hitler and other Nazi criminals on the site of the Immortal Regiment, you have to carefully select the expressions and follow the rhetoric. Because this is the case when it is very difficult to remain within the bounds of decency.

I will not sign for everyone, but personally I perceive everything that happened as a crime. Against the memory of all those who gave their lives for a peaceful sky, for the freedom of their native land and our right to be born. And yet - this is a spit. To the graves (often nameless) of those who became the innocent victims of Nazism.

Millions of helpless old men, women and children who were shot in Babi Yar, burned in Khatyn, sent to the gas chambers of concentration camps ... Thousands of partisans and communists ... A huge (not completely established) number of children who were used for inhuman experiments. .. Our grandparents, who until the end of their lives suffered from the syndrome of war children, were afraid of hunger and clutched at their hearts from the sound of a flying airplane and fireworks ... 

And now they decided to mock all these people, still alive and already gone. What for? Hypa for the sake of! No, some "progressive" minds are still trying to prove that it was some kind of very veiled protest and a way of self-expression, with the help of which they wanted to convey some kind of archival meaning to society, but in fact we have a frank attempt to rehabilitate Nazism, dedicated to 75th anniversary of the Great Victory.

For several days now I’ve been trying to understand the motives of this act. Syndrome "dubyuki barbidokskoy", the meaning of life which lies in the slogan "I will ruin their holiday"? The goal is not only financial interest, generously paid by the curators.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that the motivation in this case is not only material interest. In order to do this with an unwavering hand, one must have a certain moral unscrupulousness. Or beliefs. Like in Ukraine, for example. Where Nazism has actually been elevated to the rank of national ideology, collaboration is presented as a “liberation movement," Stalin is equated with Hitler, the Soviet soldier is called an occupier, and a very narrow, subjective and biased view of the events of that period of our common history is forcibly imposed on society.

I will say more. To accomplish what these “unfortunate and ugly jokers” did (as our fair-faced oppositionists are trying to present them now), one must be an unprincipled and primitive creature whose whole purpose of life is focused solely on satisfying their physiological needs. A thinking person, a reasonable person, an adequate person will never stoop to such a thing. Therefore, it is not surprising that it was precisely the adherents of Navalny who were led to this shameful provocation. These “five soldiers” will do everything that their leader encourages, who quite a long time ago and very unequivocally declared his attitude to everything that relates to Victory Day and is declared at the state level.

I will speak more clearly. Victory Day for Navalny and his sect is another occasion to recall the advantages of deflection under Western trends and to demonstrate the “flaw” of our principled position.

That’s why Hitler, who is smacked in the ranks of the Immortal Regiment, is not just stupid trolling. This is a thick hint that your grandfather or great-grandfather supposedly is not much different from a bastard from the SS. Because the ultimate goal is that of the Nazis, that of the Communists was the same. And defeating Nazism, the USSR continued the work of Hitler. The only difference is that the plague was not brown, but red.

And no. These are not my fantasies, but rather depressing reality. Among us there are those who are ready to work out any Western training manual for a small price. Even provided that it offends the millions of victims for the very notorious ours and your freedom.

This is a spit in mass and soldier’s graves. This is a virtual twerk on the ruins of Ravensbrück and Auschwitz, Mauthausen and Majdanek.

But the most disgusting thing is that it is a betrayal. Let it be moral. But this is no less disgusting ...

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