China Weather Network News today and tomorrow (17th to 18th), Beijing is mainly sunny or cloudy, with strong winds and gusts of about 7 degrees. On the 19th, the temperature rose again. On the 19th, the maximum temperature during the day returned to 30 ° C, and the temperature difference between day and night widened. The public should adjust their clothing in time to prevent colds.

  Yesterday, Beijing sunshine showed its face and the temperature rose. Affected by the transmission, sand and dust weather occurred in some areas. At 16 pm, the local PM10 concentration in Yanqing exceeded 350 μg / m3.

This morning, Beijing Haidian has more cloudiness.

  Today and tomorrow, Beijing is mainly sunny or cloudy, with strong winds and gusts of about 7 degrees. The Beijing Meteorological Observatory released a weather forecast at 6 o'clock on the 17th. It is expected that today will be cloudy and sunny during the day, north wind will turn to level 4 (gusts 6-7), and the maximum temperature will be 24 ° C; (Six or seven), the minimum temperature is 14 ℃.

  Meteorological experts reminded that there are strong winds today and tomorrow, pay attention to prevent falling objects at high altitude; dry and dry objects, beware of fire. Most of the time the body feels comfortable, but it is hot in the afternoon, and the temperature difference between day and night is large. Please adjust the dress according to the temperature change in time to prevent a cold.

  From the 19th, the temperature rose again. It is estimated that from the 19th to the 23rd, the maximum temperature during the day will be 29-31 ℃, and the minimum temperature at night will be 14-17 ℃. The temperature difference between day and night will be further widened.