Olivier Véran, the Minister of Health, masked and washing his hands. (Illustration) - JOeL PHILIPPON-POOL / SIPA

Sun, possible outings in the forest or on the beach and the possibility of going to see your loved ones. France is living its first weekend since the lifting of deconfinement. And it's very pleasant. Olivier Véran took the opportunity to send "a happy message because many French people will be able to find the outdoor space, the thread of his life". But the tone of the Minister of Health is not cheerful because his message is also full of “concern […] because the coronavirus continues to circulate on the territory and it continues to contaminate and drive certain numbers of patients in intensive care "

The Minister appealed to "the most fragile among us, those aged 65 and over, people with vulnerabilities of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension." […] Receive as little as possible at home! And Olivier Véran detailed the "binding instructions but which are necessary to ensure your safety":

  • "If a person thinks he is sick or symptomatic, do not receive him at all"
  • "If you have to receive people at home, your family, your entourage, always keep the distance of one meter"
  • "If you have your grandchildren, do not give in to the temptation to kiss, to hug them. You can unintentionally expose yourself to the risk of the virus ”
  • "Clean the surfaces they could have touched, in order to protect your habitat" even if the people received are not carriers of the virus
  • "Wear a mask in all circumstances when you have to see people"
  • "Avoid places with lots of people, public transport"

In short, you will understand, whether you are a person at risk or not, barrier gestures are to be practiced in the sun in the forest or in a wagon on line 13.


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  • Coronavirus
  • Society
  • Covid 19
  • Deconfinement