Two spa guests from the spa town of Bagnoles-de-l'Orne, in Normandy. - Michèle Daniau

We call it suffering in silence. Hydrotherapy is a sector that has been little talked about since the start of the health crisis linked to the new coronavirus. On it however rest the (physical) health of many French people, as well as that (economic) of many professionals: doctors, seasonal spa establishments, but also of the cities which shelter them, etc. Several readers ask us when and how they will follow the treatment prescribed to them:

“Will the spa establishments reopen this year? »Renda

"When will the spa treatments be open?" " Guillaume

“I have to go to the cure at the end of August. Is this possible, knowing that we are very close to each other and very numerous in the site? »Odile

“The thermal cures will normally resume their activity from June 16. I did not note any info about this directive, namely if an extension of access to thermal cures will be promulgated for the next months. »Denis

"I would like to know if the spa treatments will be open in June, because I have to do one from June 1 to 20? »Beatrice

Here are the answers we found:

Seasonal and thermal doctors in the panade. Hydrotherapy in France means 111 establishments, more than 10 million treatment days delivered per year, 579,000 spa guests in 2019 (+ 28% compared to 2018), 100,000 direct, indirect or induced jobs, 1.3 billion euros of activity generated each year. Figures that gladly delivers at  20 Minutes the National Council of thermal establishments (CNETh), born in 2002 from the merger of unions in the sector. And, one thing is certain, the sector is just as eager as its beneficiaries to resume activity.

Its president, Thierry Dubois, at the head: “For example, 70% of our staff are seasonal workers, and if we delay giving them a resumption date, the risk is that, from war weary, they will agree to work elsewhere. However, without professionals available on D-Day, the activity is unlikely to restart optimally, or to catch up on the losses accumulated since the start of the Covid-19 epidemic (figures not given). Aside from the seasonal workers, "the 850 thermal doctors who work in the resorts are also hit by the crisis," added the president of CNETh. Certainly more those who do not have a city office and whose income comes exclusively from hydrotherapy.

A date before the end of the expected month.  The question of a resumption date is therefore crucial. If our reader Denis affirms that the stations will be able to reopen on June 16, "the thermal establishments of the Grand Dax evoke a potential recovery on July 13", it is indicated on their website. Thierry Dubois, on the other hand, shows the greatest caution: “To date, I am unable to communicate any date to you. And this, until the Ministry of Health and Solidarity, on which the sector depends, as well as the General Directorate of Health (DGS), give the green light.

These two entities are "studying the guide to good health practices drawn up by the CNETh [it was given to them two weeks ago]" with a view to post-containment, said Thierry Dubois, who added "wait come back by the end of next week "and" put the pressure on to get a resumption date by the end of May ". It could however be mid-July: "July 15 is possible, but not certain", nuance Thierry Dubois. But, in all cases, "the priority will be the safety of our professionals and our spa guests, because the latter come for treatment, certainly not to catch the new coronavirus".

Guide to good practice. Once the date is known, it remains to be seen under what conditions the spa guests will be able to return to the thermal spas. Does the Covid-19 survive in water? Does the humidity favor its propagation? Or does the heat inactivate it? So many questions that worry spa guests, and divide researchers. Thierry Dubois wants to set the record straight: “We do not know, as of today, in a purely scientific way, if the virus can be transmitted by humidity or water from swimming pools [spas ]: that does not mean that it is not possible, that does not mean that it is certain too. It is therefore up to us to take security measures. "

Our file on the coronavirus

Selection criteria. Among the avenues envisaged: the cancellation of certain group lessons, such as in vaporariums, or pool treatments, reducing the number of spa guests, to respect social distancing, etc. Regarding the very choice of spa guests, a selection may be made, always according to the directives of the Ministry of Health. But not only: "The average age of our spa guests is 65, but we believe that it is not because you are 70 that you are in worse health than someone 45," says Thierry Dubois. So, for us, the age criterion does not hold. On the other hand, this could be the case of that of comorbidities [diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular problems…]. It will certainly be necessary to evaluate, for the curists who suffer from it, what is the risk benefit: is it better that they follow the cure or that they reject it? "

All this remains, of course, to this day, assumptions and leads. While waiting for certainties, do not hesitate to go to Thermal Medicine and all the other official sites: Interior, Health, WHO, etc.

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