[Commentary] On May 15, the State Council Office held a press conference on the normalization prevention and control of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic. At the meeting, Zeng Yixin, deputy director of the National Health and Health Commission, said that at present, the epidemic prevention and control in Hubei Province and Wuhan has changed from emergency over-conventional control to normalized prevention and control, but we must continue to strengthen and improve community prevention and control , Do a good job of nucleic acid detection and inspection.

  [Same period] Zeng Yixin, deputy director of the National Health Commission

  Wuhan City has recently started to conduct nucleic acid testing on the residents of the city, the main purpose is to further clarify the scope of the epidemic, carry out active search, and strengthen the detection and investigation efforts. From the perspective of social mobilization and organization, it is necessary to ensure that there is no close contact between the part of the population that is detected first and the population that is detected later, so that the detection effect is more reflected. From a technical point of view, if we want to adopt a sample-integrated detection method, we must also strive to not reduce the detection sensitivity, which is a very difficult task.

  【Explanation】 Zeng Yixin believes that expanding the scope of testing is an important guarantee for the overall promotion of resumption of work and production and normalization of prevention and control, and is also conducive to the precise prevention and control of epidemics.

  [Same period] Zeng Yixin, deputy director of the National Health Commission

  On the basis of comprehensive scientific assessment of epidemic risks and detection capabilities, expanding the scope of nucleic acid detection is not only conducive to precise prevention and control, protecting the health of the masses, but also contributing to the rational flow of personnel and promoting the comprehensive restoration of social economy and living order . We think that not only Wuhan, but various places can adjust and optimize the normalized prevention and control measures according to local conditions. According to the needs of epidemic prevention and control, the situation in each place may be different. We can determine and dynamically combine our local needs and detection capabilities. Adjust the testing strategy and the population range.

  [Commentary] At the meeting, in response to US Secretary of State Pompeo ’s claim that the Chinese Health Commission ordered the destruction of virus samples, the National Health and Health Commission ’s Science and Education Supervisory Commissioner Liu Dengfeng responded that the remarks disseminated by US officials are purely out of context. Intentionally confuse audiovisual.

  [Same period] Liu Dengfeng, Supervisory Commissioner of Science and Education Department of National Health and Health Commission

  In fact, China ’s (China) laws and regulations have clear requirements for the storage, management, and experimental activities of highly pathogenic pathogenic microorganism samples. If the laboratory conditions cannot meet the biosafety sample storage conditions, they should be in place Destroy or transfer to a professional depository for safekeeping. We have always been active contributors in the sharing of pathogenic microbial strains. Regarding the sharing of new coronavirus strains, China (China) also has an active and open attitude and is willing to share the new coronavirus strains in an orderly manner within the framework of the World Health Organization, further strengthen international cooperation and scientific research, and promote new coronavirus-related vaccines and diagnostic tools And research and development, production and fair distribution of therapeutic drugs.

  Cheng Yu Beijing Report

Editor in charge: [Li He]